
All things are possible once you begin from that rich soil known as peace of mind and spirit. It sprouts the beginning of only beautiful things of great vitality and substance. To be made free by our willingness to no longer be succumb and controlled by destructive thoughts, feelings and responses accumulated by the affects of a morally wounded society, opens up the part of the inner being that has been waiting present inside of us, to bring to the surface, our true purpose inside of a world that need what The Creator has created inside of us. There is always time for inspiration. Never allow the effects of your nor anyone else's trials to cause inside a stifle when inspiration needs to express itself for the power of healing. Don't doubt it, suppress it. Whatever is happening in the world that has made us cold and is making us more-so a morally dead human being should never be given the room/power to dominate what happiness and peace is still living inside. ...