It has always been beneficial to keep those out of your life that have no other aim but to cause you moral self-destruction. Its true. There are very close to you most of the time and know your morals because you trusted them enough to share them with in their company. Those who know your moral values and try to provoke you to compromise them so they then can then say, "you see I told you." See, those monster have already been brought to the edge of their moral limitations; a nd after they have been brought to the edge of their moral standards, they decided to let go of them and then jumped off into the cesspool of immorality of where they suddenly found a sense of satisfaction. After a while of self-meditation, they then return to all of those in whom they know who are struggling to live in peace and offer nothing of their lives other than self-destruction because they willingly have destroyed themselves and can no longer see nor feel any wrong in what they did to...