Truth and Religion
Religion's definition is “mans search for God.” Even though the term “god” is a pagan term, the same as "lord" and should never be used to relate to The Divine Creator. The intellectual assertion of the definition implies that religion has not found the truth. They are still in search of it; and yet remains to claim to have it in regards to its propaganda/lies and those people who have been mentally enslaved into something that is by its own words, incomplete or lack thereof. The “it” implies something that is tangible that can be possessed, processed, violated and therefore controlled and altered. Truth is not a measure of knowledge with a set understanding claiming the ultimate perception nor anything that is limited and therefore, stagnant. It does not have a first page and a last one. It is beyond a book, an institution or a title. But, truth is a living reality and a forever moving presence inside of the human being without an end nor a known beginning. ...