Beauty and Bitterness
Beauty and bitterness. Some of us men who have not yet come to know their purpose and what is beneficial to cultivate it and to maintain it, feel that this is a excusable combination despite its complexities. Or, maybe even a time of contrast in leading to an inner healing of some personal sort because of the past. Maybe so. But, are you truly in clarity of your purpose and what it takes to succeed in it? What is needed and not needed within it? Are you selfishly dedicated enough to see the deeper aspects of your journey? Does beauty and bitterness have a concrete place in your journey? It in fact does not because many women of this caliber despite their display of beauty are truly in a performance that is telling those men who observe her beauty (realized by her or not) that it is truly not worth the time and efforts it takes to invest any further interest because the storm is too raging and unsettling. It is dangerous ground to venture onto. Bitterness is a hug...