
Showing posts from January, 2019

Government World Enslavement

Many of us are beginning to see that our personal desires because of our structured needs/attachments of this Babylonian system means nothing. It's about destiny and redemption from the immoral effects of this apparatuses and its methodology for control. The system has made the flesh of the human being a burden in using its drives for survival to work in their insidious intention for common capitalism and consumerist become wealthier based upon the natural concerns for living/surviving. This has been instituted as a pretext for world enslavement. The people are from the land by brutality to instill fear and therefore cooperation from them to be a slave to the system of tyranny, you take over the care takers/farmers and inform them with an iron fist that they will be planting and growing crop for the people, but now, they/the government will produce it and force the people to pay for what was before, "free from the planet." Grocery stores are then in time produced so...

Coming to Understand Anger and Its Use for Your Purpose

Coming up in Chicago as a young man, I had cultivated an anger issue. I found that it was because of my mind being open to matters of society which I at the time had no clarity of; and to not understand does not increase the anger, but only sustain it depending upon the desire of the person to understand. I had no one in my environment to help me to understand the anger and where it was coming from or even give me insight to what “anger is within itself.” This is important in understand what anger “is” instead of only limiting the observation of anger to what you are angry, “at.” What we are angry “at” has no meaning if anger itself is not clearly understood in its nature. As a child everyone has this delicate time of self-development. Being able to become upset of things activating in your environment is only an indication of recognizing that something is imbalanced in accords to the natural functions of the universal instinct within or just clearly wrong and is not beneficial f...

Government Tyranny and Dependency

Because of the historical accounts and its effect upon the minds and hearts of the people many have been condition to think and to believe that the worlds condition is only going to be resolved by way of being only concerned of their own communities when we are dawning upon a time of when that very mental and emotional conditioning will be an advantage for this system which has forever been tyrannical in its intentions for to control and therefore govern the minds of those who are governed. The United Nations is an organization created in 1945 which declare its purpose to maintain worldwide peace and security. It is for developing relations among nations and its people. Creating cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international disputes. If this is observed closely, this reveals a tyrannical government system which in fact enslaves its occupiers for the sake of social and economic control. Economic control should be closely ob...

Change Is Futile Without Growth

Change is natural, but growth is by way of a personal choice. I find that many have the tendency simply because now that they “now” have Jesus upon every third word of their conversation, they think it is an indication they have grown. It is the contrary in fact because you have willingly placed your own instinctive nature for free thinking to death. Death and growth has no marriage. To accumulate a measure of information for you to now live by has nothing to do with inner growth. Your language has changed but this does not imply growth. When you were known during the times of when we all were within the journey of human development into ourselves according to our destiny, many have attached themselves to various religious doctrines which in fact sever your natural relationship with the universe which has forever accompanied your destiny intellectually. Those who have allowed themselves of enduring through the withdrawing period of letting go of religious doctrine are those w...

Socially Engineered Measure of Repetitious and Pathological Information

Our political concerns are programmed by way of the social engineering act which has been in effect and activation since kindergarten when we were programmed to honor the national anthem before we were even taught to read, write and count to ten. Meditation evolves one passed the established programming which has been implemented for to be the primary concerns of our plight in this country of injustice and fragmentary living. This system desires in its diagram for you to remain inside of an inner cage which posses no key, with various titles called frustration, disappointments, hopelessness, anger, rage and dissension which has forever been utilized against one another after it has conquered the host intellectually through their emotional instability. The resolve for our predicament has been designed to force our minds to think as if only the unification of an entire race physically is the only resolve when that is an untruth. It holds to be above that commonly implemented, psych...

Pure Love

It is astonishing while being inside of meditation and not placing forth an effort to venture intellectually into anything personally desired that is in time revealed as futile after being shown from inside of your being of what is important, pure, untouched by the ideals of mankind. Allowing the living divine force to take you into what is known of your life to be of those times which were in fact pure and untouched, you will find love in its purity as it has forever been meant to remain in our intentions towards women upon this earthly plain. Being made shown of what pure love is in being taken back into the past of when you first had found yourself loving someone in your earlier years as a child, you are shown a love that was pure. It was a love which was not contaminated with the desires of the flesh in terms of sexual desire. You are shown that the love was simply to join with them as a close companion even as the wanting of holding hands while walking without any further ...

Leaving Las Vegas in 2020

Where many could find it difficult for to understand your decision to move forwards with your life experience because of coming to realize through many of the times of disappointments, betrayal, hurt, joy and fears and still have not met in your present state a mind a contentment which you have come to know, is needed in terms of a woman, an atmosphere which contains an incentive to produce what you have to do in your lifetime, many will fail to understand your choice to move forwards and into what you have come to know, are better moments destined for your life😊 There have been a multitude of experiences which commonly causes some of us to perceive that where we are, is where all of that which we desire the most will materialize; and therefore, we keep trying against our own destiny. It is where we need to be which is a preconditioned destiny that has since before, we were spoken into the womb has always been present imbued within our destiny upon this planet. To come to know...

A Crumbling Nation

With considering everything that is transpiring in the country as we see this day, there are plenty of matters that we are able to discuss which if course because of our past have helped form our perceptions indefinite which produces a distinction in our perception of the circumstances at hand. Because we possess differences in our understanding of the affairs of this society does not imply that we are wrong because we perceive differently. We hold individual past which also have similar effects because we all exist within the same political and religious realm rather, we have chosen to be nonreligious or nonpolitical in our living experience. The entire instrument of the government to divide the people has forever been “information” and the implemented principals which are imbued in that information which is to cause a divisiveness in our social arena. This has been successful for many centuries through the insidious use of social studies, social science, political science, phy...

Fake Conscious Community

As much as the conscious community assert to have hatred for their oppressor and what they do, they use what the oppressor has done which they call evil to validate what people as R. Kelly do as divinely acceptable. They in fact love whom they claim to hate and justify what they claim is demonic of their oppressor to consecrate the evil that is happening to our younger women who deserve respect and protection. They are more hypocritical than the Christian and fouler in their avocation than Fox News. Right when you can say that you are happy to see so many of our people waking up to religion and begin to separate themselves from its mental grasp, now they have found another cage to dwell in and become parrots to that… “knowledge of self” this and that. And most of the time they can’t even tell you accurately what any of that bullshit means, because they never tried to research it for themselves to see if it truly hold substance and power other than simply repeating some madness ...