The World Continues to Turn and is a Beautiful Place Because of You
Many this day and time will come to know that it is unintelligent and therefore pointless to worry of matters they have no power to do absolutely nothing about, but are left to only complain and further analysis upon events which will remind completely out of their power to resolve. Analysis is paralysis. It is time to understand the dangers of being imbued with this type of information with contains conditions that have been designed for to leave the general public in the position to have no power to do nothing but get angry in making yourself sick upon many levels of the person. Your hands are tied no matter of how conscious you think you have become. "Your inability to resolve the matter should reveal the inactivating substance of what you know or just simply believe." Considering being in fact powerless of this obvious manufactured dilemma with left only baseless assertions to combat it, despite wanting the power to change what you cannot, you must al...