The Western Resolve
This is evidence as for some time that diplomatic means have forever failed as they fall to be regrettable. Things will change only when the pain becomes so intense that immediate action will take place for the sake of survival by a powerless people educational wise, there will have to be some gorilla warfare to resolve it as even that will be the fertile ground for more wars to cultivate. This has to penetrate the very core/nerve of the human soul for anything to happen in fact. Unfortunately, some will have to lose their lives so that others will have a right to live freely as it has always been the case because we are dealing with the western world in which has killed for their freedom to control. Their freedom is "not having to be afraid of who we have offended." Their freedom is to violate all rules of morality, while they impose morality upon others through brutality in whom they desire to dominate. They have no reason to be afraid as long as their chosen enemie...