Do I Know You?

Do I know you? No, but I can see that you need attention, a helping hand of some sort. I can see that you are going through something and so I offer my hand to go through it with you, to help you through this with a willing help to understand what you are suffering.

Do I know you? I have come to realize that, I do. In walking with you to understand, instead of watching you walk alone, I come to know that the same thing in which is affecting you, has at one time affected me in the same manner. So, don't feel that I am a stranger. There are truly no strangers in this world because we all share the same sorrows, the same tears and what is in fact the reward of this, are the smiles in which comes after the tears are gone.

I won't ask for your hand, I will just offer mines freely for to help you get pass this. You don't have to tell me what it is that has happened or what is happening, the fact that I offer my hand/time/love/attention is sufficient to get us both through to the healing that is taking place as we walk together.

Do I know you? Yes I do.

David Anthony Brayboy


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