I Love You Black Woman

Since the beginning of the struggle, we struggled together, you and I. We were enslaved by our own into the chains and flint locks of those who we never seen and knew, but we were together in the struggle upon that same ship for 300 years. We were beaten, humiliated, violated and even killed, but we suffered that together and we exist this day.

Now that we have survived through the love and will of those before us, we still struggle this day in trying our hardest to understand and to love one another. We try in our deepest desire and compassion to love, to cherish and to honor one another for the sake of being together. We struggle now with one another as human beings due to the affects of this society and its demands upon the heart and mind in its conforming abominations. We struggle, because within the struggle, within the time willing to spend, is but love.

I need for you to know and understand black woman that I just love you so very much. I love you such, that if giving my life as I write this, would cause the healing inside of you that you so need can dawn and be brought forth, there would be no greater honor for me to do so. I would die for you. I love you and am in need for you to know and understand this before I rest this night.

There are times of when hate takes its grip upon our minds and heart for the situation that we have been placing ourselves inside during the course of learning of how to survive, and that seems to affect us in a manner that only breeds an immoral response against one another's peace of mind; and we forget that our only peace of mind is rooted in the love that we posses for one another. It truly keeps us alive within the same existence. I love you.

We are walking the path of redemption this day and time. I hold your hand, but your heart is not in my hands, but our hearts and minds are joined into a oneness of love, compassion and assurance. I will never let you go externally nor internally. I love you black woman.

It is important for you to know and to understand, that we as black men love you. We have not been the best we could be at times, but even then, we do the best we can within our able means. Now is the time to cause a healing within the both of us for the sake of those coming up behind us, as well as within our very midst. Our example of love and dedication will only breed the same in those who examine us in our actions towards one another and not just in what we say. Know that I just love you. Know that I will forever defend you even when you are not in knowing that you are not defending your own honor; and I ask you to do the same for me. 

I lay down next to you this night black woman:) I lay next to your pillow soft body and caress you peaceful as I would caress a delicate flower:) It is what you have always been to me:) Know that we black men will forever be in love with you. We will honor you, we will cherish you....we love you and thank you for all you have done since the beginning of the struggle for living:)

David Anthony Brayboy


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