There are a group of people that we all know of that if we are honest, are not worthy of forgiveness but should be simply, let go. I will speak for myself so to not be accused by those in whom pretended to not know or understand what I am speaking of. And to you “Negative Energy” people? If this disturbs you, because it does not read/sound bubbly enough for you, then don't hurt yourself by reading any further or delete me from your list, friend or family, because I will write whatever I wish, because I am free and not inside of some box that you love to inhabit for the sake of your own false securities. "There can be no forgiveness, without "Resolution." In order to forgive truly, without any internal discomfort, conflict, duality, hypocrisy, there first must be a willing effort upon both parties for a purpose to resolve an issue absolutely free of duality and this takes love. If this is not the principle of action, then one is just a religious, mechanica...