No Forgiveness without Resolution

There are a group of people that we all know of that if we are honest, are not worthy of forgiveness but should be simply, let go. I will speak for myself so to not be accused by those in whom pretended to not know or understand what I am speaking of. And to you “Negative Energy” people? If this disturbs you, because it does not read/sound bubbly enough for you, then don't hurt yourself by reading any further or delete me from your list, friend or family, because I will write whatever I wish, because I am free and not inside of some box that you love to inhabit for the sake of your own false securities.

"There can be no forgiveness, without "Resolution." In order to forgive truly, without any internal discomfort, conflict, duality, hypocrisy, there first must be a willing effort upon both parties for a purpose to resolve an issue absolutely free of duality and this takes love. If this is not the principle of action, then one is just a religious, mechanical deceiver who runs away from his or hers responsibilities through a convenient religious policy."

David Anthony Brayboy

I find the forgiveness principle, should not be left simply as a principle, but an action for the sake of healing both parties into freedom because unresolved matters only enslave the relationship in terms of real and open love and communication. Forgiveness should be done without the fear of the affects of karma, nor because one fears death and therefore life, going to a place called hell, but because it is "Right." And to bring matters into a right, it will always require reasoning and not just the uttering of “I forgive you because Gawd says that we should.” If it is not a willingness from your own love and implications of wanting to resolve the matter, then it is false and meaningless.

But, there are a wicked group of people who are guilty, cruel, self-righteous, cowardly and judgmental to everyone else accept themselves who will always, no matter of how hard you try to resolve the matter sufficiently, will always try to find or cultivate some predetermined way of getting out of the mess that they themselves created so that they will never have to look at themselves. They would rather hide behind stagnant biblical phrases, or some synthetic lifestyle and judge you falsely in order to not face the truth of the matter, because the truth of this matter reveals their own injustice. And their judgmental ways are in-sighted by way of their own guilt and the wickedness inside in which they choose to embrace for the sake of holding on to the past and at the same time, running from it according to what they said or did; and they reverse everything and assert that it is you who are holding on to the past, just because you know that what happened in the past, needs to be resolved first, in order for it to be truly let go.

In truth, they try their hardest to trying to find a way to get out of facing themselves for the sake of their own freedom. The victim who is in need of a resolution is forever accused of holding on to the past, when they are simply looking and inquiring for answers to the reasons of what caused them to suffer unjustly at the hands of their so-called loved ones who you are forced to love unconditionally, despite the wicked conditions they cause for your life. There are younger people who are just babies while everything was going on, who are now adults who claim through lies being told and their own idiolect, feel as though they know what happened when they just need to remain silent and stop speaking into a storm, one of which they truly know nothing about other than what they have been made to believe and therefore brain washed. They feel that they know because of the witches, Jezebels and warlocks of whom have poisoned their minds against the target. A target whom they have not seen in almost 35 years. When there are those who pretend to live their lives as, singers, and dancers, reveals to me a cruel and ambitious people who have no dedication to moral standards and so who needs them.

One must make up in his or her mind to either allow these cowards to keep avoiding the issue. or continuing to cause problems with manipulation, silence and lies causing in him or her hurt and more bleeding or to simply release them. It is best to release those monsters because they will continue to hurt you as holding on to a hot piece of coal in your hand with hurt you if you continue to embrace it. Toss them to the hell they made for themselves and the same hell they always claim you are going. I do not plan upon helping anyone feel better upon the last hours of their day, even if it is me, unless there is restoration because the death issue and its sudden emotional and false rectification does not move me. If there is no resolve, then there will never be forgiveness from me because without reasoning, resolve, it is not possible. Let them go.

If things are not reasoned out, resolved into complete understanding, then forgiveness is not possible in truth despite what some romantic religious sounding dialog asserts. The subject will always linger, the same as an open wound unattended will continue to bleed, until it is faced directly and resolved with love and care. Each inflicted wound that has been made in our lives should be attended too and not denied with some religious dogma or asserting a self-forgiveness cop out and leaving it as that. If denied, then you are not living, you are bleeding and they could care less because they have no integrity. And your bleeding inside will reflect in every aspect of your life unless you release these type of people.

It has been so easy for people to tell you, "Let go of the past" "You are caught up in the past." "Let it go." They say this when you wish to resolve the issues. They wish for you to let go of the unresolved past, because the ills of the past are filled with all of their blunt and conscious immoralities. 

Never allow anyone to assert that you are holding on to the past if it is an issue that is an unresolved one. Do your best to face the issue to resolve it and if they will not show interest in resolution, then know that it is them who are holding on to the past; not you. You are simply a willing healer. Move forwards and don't look back because those people are in death. You have no time for those who are cowards of their own dirty messes. They are storms and so be still and let the storm pass. Never move along with the storm.

David Anthony Brayboy


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