
Showing posts from August, 2012


In my journey of living I had come upon what I felt was the end of my happiness, my humility and my security in which I felt I had established by way of my treatment of others who were destined to come into my life. I was made to feel that my treatment of others, would simply establish the same treatment towards me; but this was not so. I had begin to see this journey as a cold one and one without morality, while all that is taught is that morality exist and yet, very seldom executed by the common human being because of us being made so cynical of one another in our intentions and motives. I had read within my emotions the lie of that, I was at the lowest point in my existence and could bare no more lessons of this sacred journey, and then I looked up and saw your hand extended for me for to lift me up, and it was you, “Compassion” and you gave me healing water/truth to drink. In during the storm and its high winds, crashing thunder and sweep...

Who Understand You More?

Who understands the implications and decisions of your heart and mind more absolute than you? Who have walked in your shoes more realistic than you have during the course of your life experience? Who understands the reasons for your responses and non responses to superficiality and its empty and pointless monotony, than you? What you have come to know in your life and the principals that you have gained are not morally invalid because they disagree, and expect for you to conclude upon the perceptions of their reality, when your reality is contrary to their own. You were cultivated under another time, another rule of executed acts of morality and immorality. Your actions derive from those truths. Who understand your power to let go morose than you? Their flowering is cultivated by another wind than yours. Their winds blew and continue to blow soft, sweet synthetic winds, while yours were blown upon another force and yet you survived and is given an unders...

The Power of The Present

There are times of when we are not able to see things sufficiently; and this causes inside of us uncertainty, insecurity and doubt in which all are rooted within the entity of fear and its intention to cause us to be afraid.  The life  journey and its movement is always one of forwards and the death of the burdens of the past, if we come in time, to understand the vitality of living completely in the present within its power and pure awareness in terms of knowing that we exist within purpose, having no longer a sense of mystery of where this force, this movement is taking us; but simply living, growing. As we allow our minds to remain within the present and its reality, things clear up as we move ahead; and in our dying to what was, in our embrace of what is gives no more power to hurt, regret, anger in leading sorrow into a mind in which true purpose is to help heal a world in pain and darkness. There is a healing upon all of our lives as we move forwards. Choose to...

Living in The Present

We live only in the present and have light to that and just a little indication of what could be ahead of us to a certain insight, but truly do not know in truth; and this is beneficial for the reality of new learning, new and clear perceptions of the path of life. The path of The Living is one of a gift. Most would say of "mystery" but even this thought coupled with a feeling based upon fear an d anxiety of what could be ahead, is rooted in the past. The past paths of mistakes, pain, regrets and other experiences that we feel brought us, "thought to be unfortunent times" causes in us at times a cynical mentality and commonly assert what is ahead of us to be filled with a dark evil and utterly failure because we have not healed nor learned the vitality of healing. But, the path ahead is always one of the light and not darkness in spite of the affects of past experiences. It is thought to be dark due to the past. The future is truly in darkness/sacred, the past i...