
In my journey of living I had come upon what I felt was the end of my happiness, my humility and my security in which I felt I had established by way of my treatment of others who were destined to come into my life.

I was made to feel that my treatment of others, would simply establish the same treatment towards me; but this was not so. I had begin to see this journey as a cold one and one without morality, while all that is taught is that morality exist and yet, very seldom executed by the common human being because of us being made so cynical of one another in our intentions and motives.

I had read within my emotions the lie of that, I was at the lowest point in my existence and could bare no more lessons of this sacred journey, and then I looked up and saw your hand extended for me for to lift me up, and it was you, “Compassion” and you gave me healing water/truth to drink.

In during the storm and its high winds, crashing thunder and sweeping rains, it is so easy to think and to feel that you no longer exist because of the pain read of an extreme entity, because I just want the pain to end; but I now understand that I am but a growing presence, rising from up under a heavy force destined upon my back for to make me more aware and therefore stronger within wisdom.

I know now that this gifted, cultivated strength is simply destine for I to be able to look up and see you, not to whither within the grave of sadness, humiliation and grief, and to not be afraid to accept your hand when you reach out to me through the human being. I see you still inside of my brother and sister when I am made to think and feel that you have been destroyed inside of them because they too feel a similar pain.

You, “Compassion” has been with me for every since the first spark of consciousness in which is the very essence of my profound creation by way of The Divine. Yes, your living within this journey that many of us are not sure of where it will lead, keep us knowing and understanding that this is taking us forwards and to a better state of being. This is the sacred knowing of the human spirit that none of us can place a title upon securely.

When I look up and see that you are there, I allow you to take my hand; and as you tell me, “Stand up, its okay;” I am only able to see of where you come from:) I know that you, “Compassion” are of The Divine Creator of Love; and in this clarity, is read within me, “Continue to move forwards and I am still with you; and to always offer your hand to those who truly need to be up lifted from the grave of pain and fear.”

You have never left in the times of when I felt abandoned by you. I come to understand that it was I in my pain and its convincing, wounded intelligence, who abandoned you. But, I thank you for showing me by action that living is only one of beauty; and that this earth will only survive this when you are recognized and executed abroad this earth in the human condition.

David Anthony Brayboy 


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