That Beautiful Dark and Sacred Place

Meditation 2/6/2019 12:33 am
Most instances inside of the human journey, we all possess thoughts which carry feelings in that transmits to the part of the mind which holds that sacred place that only we understand is a yearning to be able to express a love inside held/weighted to be immense with our most honest and beloved intentions. Yes, despite the harshness of the past that almost succeeded in killing us upon the inside in feeling as if the hurt almost penetrated a part of our very beings of where that pure and sacred love exist in the soul that is unadulterated, we survived because love is forever instinctively present even when it feels as a burden, a curse.
Life holds to forever be predictably unpredictable. The truth of this reality of living causes the human family to feel even unknowingly, within a constant state of vulnerability not only to other human beings who are harmful, but even to this asserted Omani-present divine force which has also been recorded to have created all of the evil in which we see and face each day that we live including inside of ourselves. I have found myself to never having the fear of being led inside of myself in meditation to not only see and feel the wisdom, the humility and the goodness within which concerns me, but also the evils and the dark areas of the mind and soul as they reveal themselves to only have the power to exist in having been created as a dual part of that which is supposed to be only, good and holy. We strive in trying to gather the information, the intelligence to find a balance and therefore of how to co-exist with 2 major living entities that oppose one another as they live inside of us sometimes being successful, in tearing us apart upon the brink of insanity as we know it according to our limited sphere of information rather flawed or absolute.
Within all of this conflict and peace within, there is a love inside which screams to be heard because it has a tendency to feel as though it needs to be embraced, accepted, nourished, admonished or even cared for as this only reveals an innocence that is terribly enabled to be easily harmed, even torn into pieces internally of treacherous beings, but never destroyed. Due to love never being able to be destroyed completely, many suffer the plight of a healing journey in which for many never ends until their physical deaths emerge them; and thus, they spend the rest of their time upon this earth existing within a state of non-existence. It is beyond compare this voyage titled existing. It cannot be compared because it is all we know and strive to understand. It is a place holding plenty of truths, lies, joys, pains, tears, regrets, happiness’s and terrible tragedies said to still possess a necessity for a greater meaning, as many may never come to know unconditionally because of the effects of the past traumas never understood and therefore healed.
Despite what this experience has to offer and attack us with the assertion to build us up to that sacred place some may never perceive, I remain one who would rather move forwards to realize it than to remain in stillness because of fear or a doctrine in preventing my mind to perceive clearly what this is and what it means sincerely without uncertainty.
David Anthony Brayboy
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