
Showing posts from February, 2019

Calculated Moral Degeneracy

It is obvious that our people do not understand the science of this dilemma and how they are being attacked. A government has forever held within its sacred constitution wise social scientist, religious psychologist, general psychologist, political scientist as well as professional mythologist in tandem against a people who have forever been the primary objects of these studies for the past almost 600 years in order to civilize/control them to the degree that they will be enabled to be controlled and in the same implication, imply to them that they have the freedom to express it which serves to the government, only an insidious way to keep them under the microscope in regard to how all of this is affecting them for further analysis and domination. A spiritual people has forever been identified with being able to be manipulated and therefore controlled, spiritually. A people who are by nature a “musical people” are enabled to be controlled mentally and spiritually by way of music...

The Fire and The Flame Never Ends

One comes to know that living is as a candle with its fire gentle burning because of the blue flame that governs its vitality and therefore its lifespan. I see the candle and its fire and flame equivalent to the living experiences of when one candle burns its course and withers away, another candle is made a flame in love for the sake of enlightenment. It is a clear insight into the fact that nothing is permeant as the same movement implies that nothing remains impermanent. I once was looking at the morning sun and of how the clouds were in harmony with reflecting the light as if the entire heavens were of a magnificent flame and the universe had explained to my mind that to still my mind and not compare what I was observing to another time of observation; but to completely see the moment as it is and take it inside because I would never see this again. It was telling me to embrace it fully to my ability of complete acceptance and to understand that it is not a time which to ho...

That Beautiful Dark and Sacred Place

Meditation 2/6/2019 12:33 am Most instances inside of the human journey, we all possess thoughts which carry feelings in that transmits to the part of the mind which holds that sacred place that only we understand is a yearning to be able to express a love inside held/weighted to be immense with our most honest and beloved intentions. Yes, despite the harshness of the past that almost succeeded in killing us upon the inside in feeling as if the hurt almost penetrated a part of our very beings of where that pure and sacred love exist in the soul that is unadulterated, we survived because love is forever instinctively present even when it feels as a burden, a curse. Life holds to forever be predictably unpredictable. The truth of this reality of living causes the human family to feel even unknowingly, within a constant state of vulnerability not only to other human beings who are harmful, but even to this asserted Omani-present divine force which has also been recorded to have c...