It is said that "There is more than meets the eye." And this is a fact. This is a fact that one should not have to be told because in truth we as living beings along with the other living are the only true reality. We have lived for millions of years and have been taught by the western culture to look upon the outside for all things and to be made to see reality according to what is made seen externally and to venture no further than that despite its accusations of being concerned of what is within, under what has been made within, that has buried the true essence of the human being. I find that this has been revealed for the sake of our humanity, as the biggest and most vital lie upon the human conditioning.
I have learned that to know our purpose within this life upon this planet titled as earth, one must be still/silent within and be made humble to be taken past what has been made known as the “Self.” The self, is simply years of accumulated information that we have absorbed through the life journey, in which we have been made to embrace as our character, our personality. But, all of this is based upon a system of subliminal conditioning of the mind and manifested the body in regards to assertions of who and what we are as individuals and what we should be according to the trends. We have falsely expressed ourselves to the world, because of the corrupted world system and therefore, one another. But, there is something more revealing and something inside of all of us that is beyond what is known as “Pure.” To give it a title as “pure,” only contaminates it in terms of its truth, because we are truly sacred people and a part of the same living consciousness that moves with life energy, in spite of our taught and conditioned political and religious distinctions, that has destroyed any opportunity for the condition of humanity to be one, as it was in the beginning before mankind said that time began, which he will never know in fact.
What we know as pure, is UN-pure because we give this a definition; and definitions are never the fact when it comes to the sacred. The definition is a “belief' of mankind that asserts to know the fact of what is. The sacred is wanting to be known for the preservation of humanity and this is why it is present inside of us; but it must protect its essence and not become contaminated with what we have been made flawed with for million of years of social and environmental conditioning. What we have inside was placed there by The Creator, from the essence of The Creator, from before what is said is the beginning. And it is “That” that is our only and true salvation; and it is not what is said to be “The Self.”
We allow The Creator to take us inside to reveal something to us that we know is there as a living reality. It is something that we know is the very root of our existence. It is purpose within its purpose to exist. It contains all that we have been striving to know/reconnect truly that has been covered, buried deep down or blocked by this world and its false assumptions of it, that has made us to not go any further because we fell for religious belief systems in which claimed this reality and has in their effort, and our lack of being responsible, prevented us from touching upon the reality of our very nature that contains our true power/intelligence. Please bare with me.
I was taken inside and was shown something. Something that is not to be touched unless my heart and mind is as, what it was in its state, but is indeed me and where I began, where I am, and yet has always existed. This is the same as you, us and we. I was moved and taken passed the accusations of what I and others asserted was me of character, personality and all of which asserted that is the “self.' I died to all of that and rejected inside all of those things in which I thought brought me some sense of security, which revealed an insecurity. I accepted this, and was loved to move further after the insecurity was died too. I was taken past, the past and its effects, which contained memories of pain, hurt, humiliation, joy, excitement and sorrow and I chose not to remain “emotionally and pyhcologically attached” to those things because each moment it was transmitted to my mind, that there is something greater ahead and within, that will explain everything. There is a healing that is always present:)
I was taken past what is known as the self, which is not who and what we are truly. So, I rejected the self because it is nothing more than what we wish it to be based upon fear and vanity. A mountain that we are claiming to climb and yet we in our insecurities, build it so high within, that we may never see the top of it because we are never pleased nor satistfied with ourselves truly, because we have been lied too of who and what we are. And what we wish it to be, is what we have accumulated from this immoral social structure that is simply destructive. Once I was moved forwards because I resisted and therefore rejected the self, what was revealed to me, contained a love and beauty in which reflected everyone as a whole, because we all have this magnificent and magnetic light, gift, that has “life consciousness” itself in its containment. I saw within this all who I know, and will know, in another manner beyond the physical memory of how everyone looked and is saw in opinion. It is that which is still one with The Creator within all of us. It is that, that we must realize as who and what we are for the sake of internal dignity and identity. It is that which we all know is the fact in spite of any cultivated doctrine manipulated by mankind to control the minds of the human being for the sake of spiritual and intellectual tyranny and bondage.
It is “Being.” This was said to me as giving it a title; but this is not a title, but a state of existence that is beyond what we know and understand as pure. "Be" is The Creator speaking life consciousness of us and "Being" is the aftermath, the living state of the spoken, "Be." We are faced with something beyond what is physically recognized as the physical self. But, the very nature and essence of life consciousness, that is an extension of The Creator that is us. A gift of “Being” and that is enough for us to know and understand the importance of knowing that we never truly die unless we choose to reject it.
“Being” is the state of awareness beyond clarity and beauty, because even clarity and beauty is a shaped opion that has limitations upon the mind. It cannot be touch unless we die totally to what has been taught to us as who and what we are because we have been made a manifested lie of existance by this western culture. We are more than what we have been told and not what we think we are in terms of conforming to the immorality of this society and its urges of self-destruction or even false existance. It/being existed before we were given a name. A name that we feel and think truly identify us as a living being, a living soul. We are beyond our given names, even though we are made to need them for the sake of this power structures surveillance. Despite what these names are said to mean, how many of us truly live up to those meanings? Being, is beyond traditional and cultural states of beings that enslave us. It has no death inside of it because it has concquered death:) Traditional and cultural/sculptural states of beings are moldings, demands, but do not tell us who and what we truly are. All of those things must be removed for to see and to understand the fact. Just “Be” and the rest internally will be revealed to you, of you, in time when you are humble and free internally enough to understand and to see you/us/we are you are truly.
David Anthony Brayboy
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