Don't be paused in your destiny in what is happening today
What does this mean to you? This must be properly understood, because this is what the government has done to us.
"Their weaknesses is attached to their vain appetites that is consistently lead by the desire and intellect of greed. And therefore the plight of never being satisfied and yet not knowing what satisfys their appetites guarantees a never ending sense of dissatisfaction. A thirst that is never quenched because of their greed being insidiously misguided by our will in which keeps their thirst inspired and yet never fulfilled."
David Brayboy
UNLV Campus Las Vegas 11/21/09
These words were spoken by me because of realizing of what has been done to us as a "Governed" people. I always stress/encourage staying focused because of what is going on right this second by this system of government. I need for all of you to know that, what is going on right this moment is for to poison your mind and spirit according to your freedom of true incentive and therefore your motivation towards your personal goals, your destiny. The fear factor has been injected into you, after you have been made to depend upon this system for the sake of your security, your contentment, your depending upon your president and therefore "The power of this American military" in really, truly turning you into a human being who supports a tyrannical war machine. All of this is and has affected your incentive, your urge to move forwards with what you want to do in your life. Your focus has been diverted into a direction in feeling as if you have to wait to see what your government will do for you to see of how much flexibility you will have in this world to achieve your goals. They have already made it almost impossible for us to get passports out of the country. They are making you to believe, to feel, through your fears intellect in order to make you afraid, that has truly been manufactured by this American media machine, that you can't leave the country because of the threat of violence and death upon you because you are an American; and thus, the cell door to the prison called America, has closed on your life, your freedom by your own governments evil doings all over the world. The shackles are again upon your feet. And it will get worse. I ask everyone, of why if this is so, and it is, do you feel that your government has done the right thing for your freedom by the killing of "one" man, why is it that the affects of this latest circumstances true or false, has taken some of your freedom away from you in terms of the freedom of travel? Some will justify their lack of the ability to freely travel because of the threat of harm because they are Americans, and in that justification speaks a slave who justify the plantation that they are on.
We were not placed here upon this earth by The Creator to be ruled over by tyrants, dictators and then say that, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." Well, the worst weapon has already prospered against us. We have been separated by race, gender, nationality, culture, tradition, religion, politics and even job classifications. We sit and watch so-called reality shows of where we see of how the human being is made destructive to one another by way of the spirit of competition, as if it is a drug that sets inside an exhilarating feeling of a non-feeling human being. Now, being a non-feeling human being, has in itself an exhilarating feeling? We are steady being fed distractions from what we need to do with our lives and these distractions have become vices that will never sooth the manufactured appetites. The time that is being taken from us in pointless things is crucial because time is sacred and therefore, we do not know of how much of it that we have. This is not to assert paranoia in anyone in terms of time, but to stress the "importance of time" and how serious it is of not to waste any of it on things that do not help increase the cultivation of humanity, but the destruction of humanity.
I encourage everyone to continue to move forwards with your goals in this life and no longer allow this government through their media to cause "pause" inside of you in what you know you must do for your life. Continue to move forwards and be not distracted/paused by these circumstances, because this is for the sake of being controlled by fear, emotionalism and patriotism (Which was injected in us from Kindergarten in this pledge allegiance to some blood stained flag before we were even taught of how to read or to count) Stay your focus and continue to move forwards with your life and let those who have been brainwashed by this system to continue to keep their lives on hold, be made a puppet of their fear and emotions. In the future, they will find themselves older and without fulfillment of their lives because of being made to believe non-sense and allowing it to control their destiny.
The Creator is Always Present! You need nothing else!
One Love:)
David Brayboy
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