Shall Humanity Live? It is up to us in spite of the past.

It was revealed to me this day in being still, that, humanity/us/we/you and I are those creations that has hurt The Creator the most, and yet The Creator continues to love us the most in all of creation. We are still in harmony with existence and that has a very vital and stable meaning to this.

I found and touched upon a love so pure and so simple that it caused me to look into myself more responsible in terms of my thoughts and actions towards humanity/you/us/we and I. It is a love that we have been made afraid to embrace because it has been said to be the factor of weakness and self-destruction in terms of outwards forces who wish to hurt our lives. We have been lead into a lie by way of our manufactured addiction to technology to the degree that, we are losing our affection, our compassion towards each other as human beings. This will only be put back in a harmonious movement after we understand of how very important our treatment towards one another, determines the rise or the fall of humanity itself, because we are humanity. We make it in our actions and we also destroy it in our actions.

We have hurt one another and the earth, but there is still the wind. There is still the rain, the sun, the flowers that bloom ect, and this reveals that time is always in motion and therefore growth. And it takes humanity for this to be realized in all of us, to be appreciated. Humanity to my understanding is the totality of awareness and love; and I see no divorce between the 2 of them, because they are truly of one movement; because to have come to realize this beauty, reveals a love inside for its continuation because it is understood and felt as fulfilling. It alone desires to live, and the "It" is all of us together as a living desire, a compassion:) There is no end to that love inside of all of us. It has been understood as emotionalism. Emotions has a tendency to be confused with love, when love has a meaning and a movement that is far beyond emotion. Emotion holds thoughts, and thoughts hold choices of should I, or should I not and therefore, confusion. Love is the purest in doing the right things despite what the mind or the emotions dictate do to in having accumulated knowledge in which creates a screen of reasons, doubts and question that has a tendency and intention to block the true movement of love/doing the right thing and that is rooted in fear accompanied with the past.

I found that there is no room or space in the mind for reasons. There is a "Knowing" that has no dictation that limits the mind and also present excuse for not to move within truth. There is a knowing and therefore action. This holds no reason for to not do. It is the pureness of knowing the right thing to do; all in knowing that this movement comes from The Creator, because it is not fragmented towards a particular group of people, but for the wholeness of humanity in spite of how we have been separated into groups by way of injustice and the written history that I have come to understand is nothing more made for the tool for divisiveness within humanity, because it is been used as a tool for propaganda for emotionalism. But, there is a love present in which heals all of this. It is real and it there to be touched, and it is safe to touch it, if desired for freedom.

You have the will, the intelligence and the spirit to break free from what has you, your mind and heart in bondage for to see and understand the truth. What has been placed within you since the beginning is your freedom. Embrace it. It is now most important not to think souley about what was done and placing too much emotional energy upon that, because when we stay there, we do nothing but feed into its pains and that ends proper motivation and incentive; but what needs to be done "now" for to heal the present state of humanity as a whole. In spite of the past, we are all in this together. And to get out of this state of mind that is destructive to all of us, it will take all of us to heal it. Otherwise, we will remain in this prison of sorrow. This is not an idea, a theory or a doctrine, but the truth.

David Anthony Brayboy


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