We are Humanity Living or Dead
I Ask
I ask of what truly has substance in your life? What you believe or how you treat others according to what you believe? Does what you believe determine how you treat other people? Does it teach you behavior in accord to what it tells you to believe? Or is what you "Know" to be right in The Presence of The Creator inside you?
What we know to be true, reflects your treatment to humanity/people. What people choose to believe is another matter. To execute what one believes to be right, takes a forethought and then into an action based upon a doctrine; and therefore, your actions are truly an action that is conditioned, not real. Is this an act of sincerity, simplicity? Or is this an act based upon what one was taught to be right? Are we born knowing what is right or are we taught to know and to understand what is right truly? Considering of how separated we have become in the religious realm, the political realm in affecting the social reality, it has for centuries revealed a people who have been educated to be uneducated of morality and in this effect, we have been made enemies of one another in regards to humanity as a whole. We have become a people misguided in the manner that we treat one another because of belief systems,nationalism, paganism and other poisons, when before, we were much kinder, patient and loving to one another. We were able to truly "Feel." I ask of when we were loving one another, when we were kind, considerate, compassionate to one another, what state was that? What religion was that? What relligion were the children that Yeshua held up as an example to the people as the greatest example in The Sight of The Creator? I will say that to be a religious person in fact, is outside the state of the world of religious thought organised by man through his political system for the sake of intellectual, emotional, mental and spiritual control. It is a state of freedom that is not divorced from knowledge and not bondage. To be religious is to be a human being. And to be human, is a forever evolving state of growth upon every level of intenal beauty. It is the only true revolution, because it is evolution. And there can never be true revolution, without evolution. There can be no true change, without growth.
We were born knowing of what is right, because we are created by a Creator Whom very essence is that of righteousness/order. This state has been buried deep down below by the boundaries of this religious and political world in which has made our minds sick and against our fellow human being causing death more and more of the social order established by The Creator. Does it truly matter of what book you read, what religion that you serve in, if you do not know of how to treat people and therefore, yourself? If this has breded conflict, mistreatment, verbal and mental abuse, then this cannot be from The Creator despite it rooted claim. If you have read the books and suddenly you are not able to speak to your friends, your family in a loving manner, of even call people anymore, or have not cultivated enough love and intelligence to pass to them the love and insight that you claim that you have accumulated, then your religion, your book, written by man, has failed you. And if it has failed you, then it has failed everyone who comes in contact with you in your behaviour towards them as a contaminated human being. Maybe you should find something else to read. Maybe you may need to realize that the book is truly "you" in respond to how you live and respond to life itself and your relationship to the earth. Lets clean up this mess that we have made of ourselves and therefore, one another. Its time to become alive and to live again:)
David Anthony Brayboy
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