Being 2

Being 2

The “Be” Attitudes are explained for to tell the human being, to get back in touch with his or her "Being" and to place the “Self” that is made up of the immorality of this society, to death. It implies to be in this state of being in the mind and of spirit. There is also another scripture for those who are in need of a biblical reference, that says in Matthew 5:48 from Him “Be ye therefore perfect "even as" your Father in Heaven is also perfect.”  "Even As" implies a state of being that is a reflection of The Creator. It speaks of the oneness of us and The Creator. There is nothing expressed in this scripture that gives any vitality to what is called the "Self." The Be attitudes were spoken for to tell the human being to forever “Be” in this state of existence. "I Am." To simply exist as you are without additions from the world systems in which tries to implicate your origin.

He said to one must “Deny himself” pick up his cross and follow me. This is practical even without biblical references, that the self is the problem that has been cultivated every since the beginning of human suffering. It is constantly at battle with itself and yet claims to have the facts; when facts brings about a stillness and peace within. When we disobey The Creator, that is not the Being that is at function, but that what is called the self. We are concerned of self-interest, in what pleases the self for self-satisfaction and not of what brings in our proper decisions, satisfaction to The Creator.

What is said to be, “The knowledge of “Self” is based upon tradition, culture, race and the historical accounts of a people of these traditions and cultures; and this is supported by these events being taught to us upon an emotion complex, for us to perceive upon an emotional complex, so to affect our gift of sensitivity and then we submit without objective observation of what is being fed to our minds and hearts. "Being" involves the entire human family. This “Self” has been made the factor of the chaos in the world in terms of race, religion, culture and politics in which affects us more so than anything because we have been made through time/tradition to think that we are of the nature of these things created out of the contaminated mind of mankind because of his crimes against morality.

As was state in the first writings of this subject, “Being is the aftermath of the spoken “Be.”

"We are visions and plans manifested in the flesh from The Creator. We were before an idea, intention, motive and objective strait from the compassion of The Creator, pertaining to the conditions upon the earth. We as individuals were thought up by the Mind/Essence of The Creator as a task to dwell upon the earth, pertaining to the purpose of our lives in the flesh in order to fill in particular voids in time that are destined to be rectified by particular individuals and their gifts to resolve them. The Creator creates an "Entity" and within this entity are placed particular remedies of characteristics, personalities in which The Creator see's worthy to exist in a time element to serve a purpose and function, thus does The Creator speak this into the womb of the woman giving it"life" in the flesh." This/my being, was spoken into my mother's womb in the year of 1963 on April 20th, for to give physical birth to me in the year of 1964 on January 20th at 8:03am in Chicago Illinois. "The Creator's vision and plan spoken right out of the essence of The Creator, in an intention of divine manifestation."

The “Entity” that is spoken of is the very first stage that we were in and we are still in this state. The “Self” was created after we were pulled from our mothers wombs and we were shaped and molded into something that has forever been an opposing reality of the very being of the human being. We were given limitations called a place to be, to be indentified; a name, a racial identity, a nationality and a place that is said to be our origin and that is the corporation that we are living in called America. We were given a structured identity that has been placed right into the mind and heart of all of us to assert our existence. A system of rule, a governed mind for the sake of government tyranny. "Know theyself?" Yes, I did and found out that, that was not me, truly.

 But, it is about being taken into yourself after all effort has been let go, the emotions are stopped and thus, humility is gifted and the mind is silent, past the perplexity of the self, which is created of numerous uncharacteristic images of who we have been made to think we are and all the way into the very core of our existence which is the "Being" which is that which has been untouched by the influences/knowledge of this worlds power structure, structuring the mind and therefore, it has a clarity beyond this worlds sphere and an energy that is tremendous in harmony with that clarity that is beyond racism, religious dogma and other things from this power structure that limit us and create the self that is contaminated. The black man, the white man, this is who I am, ect, is all an illusion and a thing created of the world and its political and religious dogmas and this is why there is so much chaos in the world upon these subjects. I find it amazing that most cannot understand this when even upon the job, the 2 main subjects that are not to be discussed because it causes disorder is “Religion and Politics.” This is because most people think and feel that those 2 incorporated entities are the very soul of their beings; when all of that has been made and structured of the self-interest of them and therefore chaos is inevitable.

The beam inside and around of the body on the pictures is what I am talking about in illustration; and the flesh is only the thing that manifest what was The Creator's purpose for that particular human being in terms of gender. It is the core of our originality that is of The Creator that we are truly trying our best (because of being made limited) are trying to get back too.

This is why debate is destructive and reasoning is beneficial to everyone as a whole. Agreeing to disagree only advocate continues conflict and disorder. The greatest part of our creation is originated in the being. It is the knowing without the trappings of acquired, dictated limited knowledge that separates us as the one being. That oneness that we all know inside is there despite historical accounts, but not realized until we all are suddenly faced with a trial that serves as a threat to all existence and not just a group cultivated, formed and then manifest by the power structure of this world.

The “Being” is what and who we truly are. And that is made spoken into the womb of the woman for manifestation at an appointed time; and then we become/develops into a human being. "Being" simply means "That which Exist." If we all took time to walk into a cemetery and we looked at the names, we will see only names. We will be able to tell what race because of our education of this power structure of names; and some will not be able to tell; but us as beings will face the same thing, the same as we face life everyday we are allowed to exist. After the flesh is left here along with the names, the religions, the traditions, the cultures and the politics, we return back to the being of ourselves that we struggle everyday to become back in contact with for the sake clarity. This can be done if one understands the vitality of the death of what is called the "Self" and be willing to be reunited with the very "Being" of the human being in which truly makes us all human beings; a place/state of mind and heart of where one is able to understand past what is ruling the world. If more of us understand this, then this world will gradually become a far more pleasant place to exist. That compassion of The Creator that is you and me, is an extension of The Creator's Compassion and Will.

We are prudent, beautiful, and magnificent beings of light; filled with love, wisdom and grace as The Creator, The Supreme Being. There are infinite possibilities within us; infinite compassion fills our inner being. Unfortunately, we walk about the world as the one who is asleep, yet we all posses the key to the universe in our heart’s desire.”

David Anthony Brayboy


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