The Rise of Technology and The Fall of Humanity
The government has used so many pleasant treats for the sake of distracting those who are willing to walk the path for the betterment of humanity. They have since Rome used "Games/Sports" and other vain entertainments/distractions they are given for the sake of addiction and irresponsibility. There used to be community services, marches, speeches upon the streets directly to the people ect; but now there is YouTube and Facebook and other systems of limited communication. These tools are only beneficial for those who have computers in their homes, who feel that they have the time to spend hours upon them and calling that, their work for the betterment of the world. But, in truth, this is just another box we have been placed in like a religion and we must be careful in its effect. A box that does not extend to the real issues and that is what is happening to us, our world, our youth, our women, because we have forgotten this. Now the revolution is sitting behind a computer screen tapping upon a key board on a computer, instead of tapping into the mind of those who are lost and have no idea of how to use a computer.
There can be no revolution, without the evolution of the mind. Know and remember that the real sacrifice is the letting go of these instituted and manufactured devices for a time and going out into the real world and help resolving the problems of this lost and complex society that we all have to exist in. If we do not take personal responsibility in the resolve of this society, then what has been ruling this society in its destructive manner will continue to flourish in its intention to destroy, because of our submission to the immoralities of this society. We have been giving power to what has been causing our own internal demise in truth. It has been made attractive in triggering a feeling thought to be satistfying, when in satistfaction, all of the wanting more, stops. But, this has not been the affect upon this system because we are always being given something more, new and attractive to embrace upon that serves truly no purpose other than a blunt distraction from what we should be concerned of. We have been conditioned to want more of what is causing us to become less human and more mechanical including in our actions and therefore our emotions which is not the reality and could never be. This affects our relationship with one another in a manner that is not evolution, but one of a relationship that has been made to be synthetic and callus waring a smile.
The true touch of humanity/human relationship is most needed again this day and time. The demonstrated affection and care of our elders have been forgotten within time; a time that is nothing more or less than the mouth of the mechanical beast in which has clinched its teeth into humanity and is now sucking its blood dry. Remain a human being and not a tool for the sake of destroying what is left of morality in spite of its technilogical vanity.
David Anthony Brayboy
Excellent post brother! Life period should be governed by one's extreme ability to be conscious of everything in and out of boxes.