A Beautiful World is Birthed from Within
It is only natural for anyone irresponsible living in a world as this to say that we are living in a beautiful world; when nothing is more further from the truth than that. The beginning of a beautiful world will only manifest when the human being honestly look at the condition of the world and see that it is not a beautiful world that we live in.
The world is in the shape that it is in this day because we have not executed what is necessary from the beauty within ourselves, for to manifest a beautiful world. The beginning of the process of creating a beautiful world to live, starts from within. There have been and still are many entities that prevent this from happening; and these entities have been created to give the human being a sense of satisfaction, and so we tend to hold on to what in affect continues this earth to remain in chaos and disorder.
Once the reality of seeing the world as it is, instantly what it should be, what it can be because of the gifted ability of the human being, is revealed. For the world to become/time a more pleasant place to live externally, the peace of mind and spirit that we have inside must be manifested in this society. To say that, “This is not bad” is to already be gifted of what is seen inside as good and of goodness.
In all living beings lye’s the key to peace of mind and spirit for the rest of the world; but the truth of this worlds condition needs to be realized and not denied nor purposely rejected due to a specific way of enforced thinking in which does nothing but places the thinker within a mental state of profound illusions.
“The world will start becoming a beautiful place to live the moment we accept the fact that it is not. Once we see that it is not in fact, then the path of making this world a beautiful place to live, begins.”
David Anthony Brayboy
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