He Walks Alone

He comes from a living that is placid. It is why he is made in the fashion that he is. But, as any calm pond there are times of when the waters are troubled by outside forces. He is a sensitive man in terms of being very aware of what is happening around him and the principals that are being put into execution, shattering the beautiful stature established years ago with divine intentions by those before him. He is young and he sees his family slipping away by chaos in causing a disorder that will in time kill the common morality of the union revealing that there was never a union, and it has done so.

He comes to see that his life has been designed in a way that most would say would be emotionally eccentric or non-feeling, when his purpose is inspired by being able to feel the universal sorrows of the world and not just his own. His own sorrows are his least interest even though he struggles with them from time to time. He is given a wisdom which holds him in internal humility even though he speaks and writes with fire. He remains governed by his Creator because he has been made known that “Self”control is nothing more or less than man trying to control himself; a gift that he has forever during the course of this worlds historical account, has failed to do. His control for self domination of the world is his own self-interest and therefore, his self-control is truly rooted in controlling all of man and woman-kind.

To be “Governed” is equated to being lead. It is him being lead into what he fears, what hurts him and what almost tries to cause in him thoughts of self-destruction. During the storm and its high winds, there are times of when he cries out because the pain of losing and the will to hold on to what is not meant to be for him. It burns his inner hands that clinch too hard upon the past that is truly in death. He yet has not yet understood how much he is truly in the moment of gaining, in his losing what holds him captive.

He looks around for counsel and there is made/created available by his Creator no one for him to rely upon. He grieves in his lack of understanding, while in the same movement, his Creator is giving him the truth that there is no one else for him to rely upon, other than The Creator Alone who have since the beginning of his birth of life consciousness in the eternal, has already given him the truth, the wisdom, the strength, the endurance and the intelligence to survive and to move forwards; yes, still in a love unable to be broken and never shattered into a valley of hatred. He has tried to live in that valley through his pains, his struggles, and yet he has come to know that, those feelings of insecurity are simply not a task of evolution, but only an empty form of a revolution that he will in time come to understand, only imprisons him more surely as the beast desires.

He is continued to be lead forwards while in the same movement, healing is taking place because he is slowly coming into clarity. The fire of misunderstanding and frustration becomes less and less because of clarity upon the dawning of his heart and mind. He is being made over again because he is dying to what was him in the past, and is maturing into who he coming to be without effort, without question and without interference in terms of pointless knowledge formed into vain questions and theologies. He walks alone inside The Love and Will of his Creator.

He walks into many valleys, into many hearts and minds that are wounded with the answers of healing. The clarity in which comes out of him, because he has died to himself. He has moved out of the way and have in the same act, become one movement, one will of The Creator. His life comes to make its purpose known to him and he listens attentively. He has no regrets of losing anyone because he understands the root of his gains is in, losing. He has no more pain. He has no more confusion and no more inner duality, because there is love inside that keeps him whole, sound of mind and spirit. He walks alone for you and only thinking of you in terms of being a good example of his being. He lets go to what is commonly determined of his life, because of knowing now that his life has been design outside of the demands of tradition and of culture they only enslaves the human condition. He walks alone in peace. He walks alone for humanity.

David Anthony Brayboy


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