
Life is sacred and no one knows it in its entirely; and that is the beauty of the life journey. It has no set measure of when it begins or ends, even though we know that our lives in the flesh will within time end as all things end tangibly. But, respect the present as it is and no longer live in the past. When we live in the past, we are only made asleep in the present.

The present is the reality, because it is all that we know in its purity within that very moment of complete awareness of the presence, within the present. In its sacredness, life is felt to be short because we are made distracted by so many things in terms of what we would like to accomplish that before we know it, time has seemed to be coming to a close in terms of our physical bodies and in truth, in this "pressure/thinking within in terms of time and its thought of coming to an end, is only an illusion bringing stress/the enemy. When we feel or think in this manner, we feel that time has become the enemy, when it has forever been the true gift in oneness with life consciousness. Live internally free of the past, because life in this flesh is made limited and yet very revealing. But, living never ends truly; it continues to be the beautiful moving reality.

David Anthony Brayboy


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