The Dawning

We live on a beautiful world. We have been placed here to nourish, to contain, to take good care of it. We have to further understand the importance of being beautiful upon the inside for to keep the world a beautiful place to exist in terms of the human social condition. We all have learned through the years that in spite of how beautiful the earth has been made for us, we as human beings have harmed this home of where we exist because we have harmed one another in causing a chaotic environment, affecting the vast beauty of the earth in its state, because we are not separated from the earth and nature in its purity and vitality; and therefore this has affected the beauty within our hearts and minds.

We have in many ways lost the inner touch/affection of the earth and its function in symbolic gesture, in trying to educate us of our beings. Hurt, pain, betrayal and other calamities have penetrated the true flow of love for the human condition; most even before we were physically born. Those of us who are healing of the past hurts and pains are still able to smile, to wipe away the tears and to have compassion to move forwards and into the newness of what The Creator has for us as a whole.

We live among a justice system in which does not care of righteous justice and thus, those of us who have love for justice speak out because justice brings about the peace for to help heal a nation as well as the parents and other family members of the victim. We, who feel a compassion that is there without a screen are able to touch the pain of those who grieve as Yeshuah grieved of Lazarus and those loved ones who where deeply affected of his death. We come to the aid of those who are grieving with also bringing our own tears because we love them because of loving the feeling, the touch and the reality of justice and its gift of healing; and after the tears are shed and the pain is expressed, we rise from the tears and the degradation and move forwards for the dawning of what is right in the Sight of The Creator and what is right even in the mind of the common human being.

The course of this path towards justice, is the path of justice imbued with the heart and mind of righteous principal burning in the host. It is a state of when death of the ego, the self and the fear leaves us for the clarity of what has harmed us. When we love, it is most misunderstood as well as criticized by those who live inside of an idea of what love is to have been asserted to be, that sprung from a box of lies and slavery of the mind and action in terms of the willingness to motivate towards rectification. But this day and time, there is a new sun dawning from within that gives a light unlike those who have betrayed the trust and loving support of a people who have lived upon the earth for over a billion years, who have no history of a beginning, we just have forever existed.

Know that things are getting ready to get better and to hold your heads up. Love your wives and husbands, our children and our fellow brother and sister. Look in the direction of productivity because it has been made for us in spite of the trials, the tears and the humiliations. Let none of the lost assert to you to wait, to force you to think that there is nothing you can do. We were all placed here for the evidence of change in this world. Let is dedicate our very beings to The Creator and one another and do what is necessary to be ready for the reward that is coming our way. 

I Love You and I Truly Honor you:)

David Anthony Brayboy


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