The Duality for Humanity

It has been seen within many of us, in spite of our taught and therefore "Conditioned" distinctions in the human family by way of government dictation upon the mind, that even though the heart stays within the original state in terms of the universal state, the mind has been traumatically shaped and coldly molded into something that has only been created beneficial for the government for the sake of maintaining enslavement over the human condition and causing a war of race and therefore political injustice. This affects the mind and spirit and pit them both into an internal conflict, causing duality within each human being.

The hurt coupled with an intense anger breeds a sense of hopelessness, giving birth to its child "frustration' in which cry always tells us to quit and forbade humanity as whole; and then the state of humanity in which we all can feel, that is indeed the fact, is collectively diminishing. In spite of the struggles, in spite of the manufactured conditions, that condition the minds of the governed; there comes a time within this life experience of when we must allow our instinctive knowing of what is right, in spite of how we are made to feel, to show its face.

Our faces will indeed reflect the same duality of some wanting freedom from the duality and to return to the universal; and some feeling as though the duality is the norm or even justified for to remain as they are.

David Anthony Brayboy


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