Respect of Our Black Women

“The black woman is the most disrespected and unprotected woman in the world.”
Bro Malcolm X

I bring this to my community as well as the entire human family for the sake of a true awakening to subjects that are seen, felt and yet not spoken of upon many pulpits and not written of concerning what is going on this day concerning the black woman and the blunt disrespect of her in spite of her position.

Considering the truth of what this woman has been through of the past, her sufferings of humiliation, violations and to having to lower her integrity, her dignity and to internally negate her divine principals for a later time, for her own survival and the preservation of her children and sometimes, even her own husband, has been a difficult and almost unbearable path to walk. This day this has not been considered if not honored nor respected.

From the time of ancient slavery BC, of when she was first violated against her consent, until 1444 in the beginning of political slavery of when she was again violated upon her body, within her heart, mind in almost penetrating her very soul, this day she still has not the honor, the respect that she deserves including of her own sisters.

It is indeed a fact that most of our women have lost the facts of who they are as a woman of divine status and keen intervention when she is faced with entities in which challenge that divinity. Some have been told the truth of who they are and yet have chosen to reject that truth because it conflicts with the addictive desire and appetite given and consumed of this western society that is destroying many traditions and cultures abroad the earth that hold dignity and a sense of unspoken honor. An honor of when if you simply saw her, you would instantly know and understand that she will only respond to kindness and integrity because it guides her nature. Her very ora checked yours into a state of humility and order.

We as a nation people are an extension from slavery. We have suffered for a long time and then marched for justice and have even killed and been killed for to be recognized as human beings deserving of humanity in being treated as human beings. We have been struggling in the political arena, for voting rights, human rights and civil rights and have desired to one day have a black president who has not lost the love that he should have for black women as many of the sports figures have, as well as actors and singers have; and we have that this day in President Obama. But, after all we have been through and seen in this country, we still sit in front of a TV screen and have the nerve to laugh at an Eddie Griffin saying, “I wanna fuck Michelle Obama!” And we say and do nothing even after Fox News and others bluntly disrespect the wife of the first black president in calling her an ape, who is just as black as your mother, sister or daughter.

We sit there and laugh until the tears flow from our eyes because we loooove to laugh. We just need/deserve to laugh because in justification, “I work hard at my job/plantation and I deserve it.” But, what are we truly laughing at? We are laughing at something cultivating into a time of when nothing will be humerous. We never question of how easy it is for these people to be placed upon the stage before us for the sake of community exploitation and in affect, degradation, when we know that there are far more intelligent and respectable people trying to make it in comedy, who would never disrespect and dishonor our women for to make some money attached to it a vain fame that has no meaning or value in fact. They are placed there for the purpose to humiliate our community under the cloak of a laugh most feel they deserve. We say nothing when the black woman is disrespected before the entire world even when now, we have one as the wife of the first black president, and the so-called leaders, who normally attend these concerts sitting and hearing this, say nothing. They laugh along with everyone else the same as they sat with Bush when he was in office. Right, Al Sharpton? Eddie Griffin performs at my work place, but he will never get a dime from me.

Snoop Dog can come to an awards event with dog chains around the necks of black women like they are bitches/dogs and we say nothing to him of it to demand that he respect his mothers, his sisters and his daughters more before the world. Snoop Dog forgets the fact that he came here right along with her in chains. And yet, many continue to support his music.

The traditional and common response to this concern has always been one scape goat saying, “They are grown women.” This does not excuse his actions and neither does it excuse theirs. There is a distinction between being grown and becoming an adult. The respect of black women needs to be more addressed in spite of her actions and her pains. We have a younger generation coming up seeing this abomination and are seeing nothing wrong with what has been going on in her portrayal as a woman.

We have this exploiting device “Basket Ball Wives” that is an intellectual and emotional disease in the process teaching most of these younger black women and girls, that to be disrespectful and ghetto is productive; if not laying up with athletes for money of sufficient. In this Western society in terms of particular communities, what is in fact immoral, is being projected as moral. The black woman deserves this day far more than she is being manipulated to give herself; and we who see this continuation of her dishonor are made responsible to stand up for her, male and female, for to ensure a better and more prosperous future for our race who extend from her very womb and therefore example.

“The true respect of a race of people will forever be rooted in the honor and respect of their women.”

David Anthony Brayboy


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