He is Still Standing
It has been revealed through the course of time that there are good men who are made to feel as though they are carrying the weight of a cruel world upon their shoulders; and they are made to feel by way of the affects verbal and mental abuse that, they are not in good company in their walk and are lost within their own internal struggles, purposely misunderstood by those who observe and are the cause of his struggles. Even though the world is upon his shoulders...
He is still standing.
These men are those who are destined to make a difference inside of a world order in which continues to be a parasite against humanity. It is quite common for any well intended man to suffer this plight; and he knows that he is suffering this challenge because he is well grounded in his reality. But, to his infinite understanding of suffering, is unlike those who are the cause of the initial act of causing his suffering. He sees and understands his suffering not as unjust pain and is consumed in the perception of the unjust actions against him, but he sees all of this as a time of growth and liberation. Despite the efforts against him...
He is still standing.
During the course of this path, in his disappointments, the affect of this common and yet profound plight is intended to destroy what peace of mind and spirit he has gain before the challenge by The Creator and yet, the attack of the enslaved souls in which he has let go with a clear conscious; he is made to let go also those who are said and destine to be close to him for a while for his own purpose that is ordained, filled with productivity and promising vitality. And in spite of the pinch of the entity of being made to feel disappointed, he still exist with a heart of good intentions and a mind to continue to move forwards untouched by the affects and perceptions of the attackers intentions. And yes...
He is still standing.
The time that is ordained within the path is a healing and liberating element and he becomes more in clarity of what the challenge means. He is being more liberated as he takes each step forwards unto the light of truth. He has in his presence the love of his life to comfort the fatigue his mind, his heart and to kiss his wounds to let him know that, even though he is forever strong enough to walk the path and to move forwards, she is still present to help him in his challenge to move ahead. With The Creator and with his love, he will forever continue to stand in spite of the world being upon his shoulders...
He is still standing.
David Anthony Brayboy
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