The Mecca Formula and Affect
Mecca Formula and Affect”
Muslims living and not living in Mecca are to once in their lives or
as many times as they can, make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of
Mecca. They come together to participate in a ritual in which all
Muslim sects come together as one nation of Muslims under Allah. No longer so-called separated by religious brands inspired by
Britain according to lands and Muslim scholars according to
theologies within Islam.
What America and Israel are producing this day in their activities against the Muslim world in terms of the Palestinian people, is the
unity of the Muslim world in the way that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (Peace be Upon Him) desired
it to stay in his deepest of hearts. Thus, it is America and Israel
who have assured the survival and even the rebirth of Islam as it was birthed within the heart of the Prophet.
rebirth Islam is to produce what its prophet desired/feared 60 years
before his death. He desired unity and therefore feared disunity and
the decay of the essence Islam. Muslims through trials brought upon them by
America and Israel are bringing the Mecca ritual/principle into a
manifestation; a reality in the Islamic world. Realities to where brand
names will in time no longer be relevant or even necessary to exist because of the immoralities of Israel and their supporter, America.
It has been
proven a fact in the Islamic community that the pilgrimage to Mecca
has never broken the disunity of the Islamic world because of mans
willingness to hold on to the spirit of division within himself which only maintains the conflicting forces within the Islamic community as well affect Arab culture as a whole.
Because rituals no matter what religion they derive from, have no
magical, mystical, majestically affect upon the human spirit for the
advancement of spiritual growth into unity; because they all come
from man and his absurdities.
If it takes the human being to give
these rituals there said affect or even value, then what does the
human being need with them if he or she already has what it takes to
reach a specific level of spirituality based upon practical
simplicity? They are said to come from The Divine, however the people who
perform these rituals and claim that these rituals come from a Divine source, are
not examples of Divine actions pertaining to being affected upon a
spiritual bases by these rituals.
America and its war upon terror, is the tool that is being used to unite the Islamic community. Lets not forget or deny; while the Jews were ruling Germany before Hitler began to speak in the beer-halls, 10 million Germans died under their rule. A tit for a tat. Mahatma Gandhi said it best that “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
Bush has sewed the seeds of a bitter harvest for both Arabs and Jews by supporting the aims of an Ariel Sharon. And by America making it known that she supports Israel in whatever she does, places America in the same position that places her hands in the same pool of Arab blood as the Zionist. This will forever harbor hatred in the hearts of Arabs for Americans/Israelis. Because Bush rather he realizes it or not, (but I think he does) has given the okay for Israel for the Genocide thus Holocaust of the Arab nation by the same people who
suffered such a time. And this influences the Arab to try to inflict another Holocaust against the Jews in defense of a possible forthcoming holocaust against them in order to maintain their own survival. So they are really being pitted against one another even more intensely now by the politician instead of religious scholars. And there is no worse type of war than 2 nations fighting and killing for their own future to exist. They feel that they are fighting for their women and their children. Therefore the killing becomes far more intense; even what is understood as primitive in mind and spirit regardless of the advancement of military technology.
But the rise in this form of technology has never been proven to be a benefit to the rise of humanity. But you cannot tell the Christian crusader this. It is all vanity. I noticed that when the Arabs strike it is called terrorism, but when the Jews strike a blow against the Arab, then it is called self-defense supported by America. When one is called a “Terrorist” instead of an “Arab” then in the minds of the listeners, you reduce the Arab to no longer being a human being. Because Arab is a brand for a human being, but terrorist is not because of his or hers inhumanity which is deemed as inhuman that causes “Terror” in other people.
The call for genocide comes in many forms in places that are very familiar by the use of words as this. Case and point, Miss Condoleezza Rice had said, “Israel has every right to defend themselves of terrorist.” “Every”right?
So, no matter what Israel do, Israel is just? But, they say in so many words that Palestine has no right because they are looked upon as terrorist in their own land instead of human beings as the Indians were and are looked upon this day by America as savages.
The same as the Christians said that the African slaves had no right to
freedom because they were looked upon as heathens and subhuman beings and not civilized good Christian Negroes. Bush has made the word “Terrorist” a scapegoat phrase for unjust deeds against Arabs and this has also moved in affact towards us as African Americans in this wicked corporation. This reflects of how the Christians called the Africans heathens just so they could enslave them or even kill them with a so-called clear Christian conscience.
If the Arabs are terrorist’s then so are the Jews and by America supporting them, then America is a terrorist nation. A supporter of that of what she claims to condemn. It’s what you do, not what you say.
According to scripture and the written characteristics supposedly expressed of Abraham Abraham would shed tears this day because of those who kill one another, claim him and also the promise that God gave to Abraham. Because none of them are acting as though they are the seed of Abraham.
There are terrible days coming for Israelis, Iraqis and Americans, because this is just wrong according to common humanity; in affect violence and murder is supported of the Jew by America of the Arab, but not supported of the Arab of the Jew by America, when if there is truly an aim to peace, then no violence or death should be supported upon either side; because as long as one side is supported in
whatever they do, there will never be peace because of the imbalance and prejudice view of justice, tipping the scale. But this day, she has taken off her blindfold as she is holding the imbalance scale and she cannot look passed the Arab according to fair and balanced justice.
In spite of the election of President Obama's winning a second term; do not forget that this is still taking place overseas. We have been made "nationalist" which is a cold and brutal doctrine imbued into the human mind every sine we were taught the pledge allegiance. In teaching our innocent minds this poison, we were made nationalistic and therefore, only concerned of what happens here and not concerned of other nations and its community.
It has been long over due to understand that our neighbors are not just next door, but also thousands of miles away. It was the Western culture in which segregated and divided our minds, containing our thoughts and emotions, our compassion's to only extend to these shores as so-called Americans. We as "Human Beings" are forever responsible for all of what is transpiring of the world because in fact, it affects all of us. Please give mind and heart to this.
David Anthony Brayboy
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