Healing and Progression

There are a lot of events transpiring these times that is causing a lot of pain and dismay. Some will assert that this is life; Yes, but this is only a part of the life journey and should not be understood as the entire part of life to the degree that even when we are having pleasant times, our minds and hearts are still expecting harsh times to be coming and therefore, still present, waiting to execute in asserting this so-called balance. This state of thought only robs us of our freedom to enjoy fully the present, the what is.

There has been a lot that has happened to us in the African community and is still going on as some, if not most of this is happening of our own doing in oppose to the principal of love and respect for one another; but there are better times right in front of us if we do not allow the affects of a violent and foul past to trespass into the present in keeping us hurting and in affect angry, bitter, hostile, disrespectful and therefore destructive to one another in causing self-destruction more so in our community.

It is a reality in our historical accounts that despite what has oppose our efforts, we have forever beat the odds that were and are set against us; and these successes should be truly appreciated and taken inside for the sake of healing, inspiration and focus instead of always giving into the feelings of hurt and defeat of something this day we can do nothing about. This enslaves us all over again as a weakness as our ancestors were made so weak by our own so-called kings, when the Europeans placed us in chains with their permission.

It is time to ask ourselves of why we find so much pleasure and satisfaction of intentionally dwelling upon the painful events of the past? Why do we find it to be sufficient to always wake up from our rest and then walk around all day until we rest angry and bitter, thinking of what others have done to us and turn our minds from seeing what we are doing everyday to one another? Things have hurt us, and if we understand that those who have hurt us have no intention nor will in helping us to heal, then it is our responsibility of a village of beautiful people to be willing to heal ourselves and therefore one another.

Each day is new and so take some time out to understand of how important it is to allow yourself to heal so that proper focus can be sparked and in affect the sufficient incentive to produce can begin. It is only reality as well as wise to let go of what we cannot doing anything about nor change. Take the lessons as what they are “information” and not a tool to always trouble you to the degree that we walk around angry and bitter; because those who did what they did, escaped through death, while we are steady killing one another this day.

David Anthony Brayboy


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