Receiving The Sacred Beauty

In my first book Sins of Innocence there is a priest who suffers a plane wreck with his sister and survives in the Sahara Desert: and as he sought to go to get help for their condition, the sun had taken rest. And despite what happened he suddenly noticed himself still able to see the beauty of the desert in spite of his pain and in-spite of his worries.....

.”My looking at all of the desert space the wind spoke a feeling of desolation to my mind and spirit, thus, it all seemed pointless, hopeless. The enemy wanted me to give up and die out there by trying to imbued in me a sense of frustration in trying to encourage me to quit. But regardless of what was happening, I noticed my mind recognizing the beauty of that night in the Sahara Desert. I until this day have never seen such beauty. The stars were out and the crescent moon was shining brightly. It shined a beautiful moonlight upon the desert sand-floor. The wind was softly blowing and it looked as if there were glowing body forms of sand racing across the desert as spirits. It had seemed to have a calming affect on me as medicine to a burning flesh wound.”

Benjamin Bergstrom

There is still something inside of the human being that recognizes inspiration coded inside of creation itself. From spending time alone with mountains and canyons i soon came to understand of why Jesus and other men were inspired to go to those places that are asserted to be desolate; but are not desolation at the least. There is truly a calm and beautiful presence that gives a silent wisdom and clarity after you are stilled after the journey there. Its not something that can be heard inside, as if the mind is articulating knowledge/the past and you are able to hear it audibly as if remembering a song or anything one of our loved ones has said to us. Its a very “present presence” that is very creative and still, and yet, living with tremendous energy, that negates any thoughts and feelings of the past. But, there is a very calmness that sets place and opens you to an unlimited space for humility; and then there is a feeling unrecognized, non-compared as well as uncomplicated. You are safe.

And in leaving in going back to the social climate, your humility is an indication that you received something without effort in reaching for it and it is sacred until a time better to be revealed. Something beautiful was placed inside of you. So, in spite of the challenges, embrace the humility of the challenge and no longer allow the ills of the challenge consume you so much that you miss the beauty of the time touched for your life journey. Even when we may think that all things are difficult, in the same feeling, The Creator inspires in your forwards movement that, “Though circumstances may seem to be difficult, the difficulties is only a sign that they are never impossible to be resolved.”

Life is forwards motion. Move with it....

David Anthony Brayboy


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