The Importance of a World Healing

A good friend of mines had asked me of why I always write about healing? I just simply answered in telling him that, “because its what the world needs.” I was kind of awed that this has even become a question at this time actually by many in a world that is in a lot of pain.

It is true that sorrow and pain is a fact of life; but it is not a permanent factor of life in the human condition because the reality of healing has forever existed. I know that we can take a great part in the healing of one another and to end the chaos and disorder that brings about pains that has become accepted as our daily activity; and is also claimed to be a intimate part of our collective characteristics that has caused a lot of fear and therefore cynicalism which also sets up the actions of causing more pain.

In the human family being made separated by race, politics, religion and other destructive common vices that rule us it seems as sometimes it is almost hopeless if not pointless to try. But, that is only the greatest weapon of the beast that has affected us all inside at some point and time in our lives if not upon a daily bases, by we unconsciously embracing these vices as who and what we are collectively as individuals. In feeling at times helpless, brings about a feeling of vulnerability and then fear. Within this combination of those entities breeds a sense of hopelessness and thus “Frustration” whispers into the minds well intended consciousness, “why try?” “just give up.”

I have seen inside the intentions and aim of frustration; and frustration tries to convince the human being with good will, to quit. And when we do give into frustration, we manifest what continues to cause destruction in the human condition and thus, we are activist/advocates of creating more duality in the mind and hearts of our fellow human beings because this state of being is an unnatural way to be. In doing this upon a consistent basis, the reality of healing becomes more difficult.

It is hard but not impossible to reach a state of where this is not only understood intellectually because of understanding of how to read this; but to understand this totally in “intimately feeling” the true importance of this reality and are willing to walk in a manner that seems this day and time to be a naive, vulnerable, and unsecured way to exist; or a way that is as sheep in the midst of a world and time of where wolves prey upon what is now understood as weak, when before time it was understood as very humble and decent. It takes a wisdom and understanding that ensures that healing in indeed possible for all those who understand how important it is to exist inside of a world society, that can only survive unless this truly takes place from inside all of us.

David Anthony Brayboy


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