Has the condition changed us? Has the condition changed us of ourselves?

I could say that, “In the light of this Trayvon Martin trial” but I would not be honest in my saying that. So, I will say, “In the light of our sojourn in america” we continue to be reminded that our lives are considered not a priority to this system of so-called justice. I also have observed that of this happening in this country to our young black men and women, the religious community has yet still been realistically objective in their solutions to this problem and fail to understand that they will never come to realization of the issues in this country with their minds colonized with a message that will never allow them the proper incentive or intelligence to spark “movement” towards doing anything of the conditions that we as a people face; but will forever have the same affect it has had since it was given to us for the sake of pacification in regards to doing nothing but standing still and crying tears of frustration, instilling hopelessness and fear in its listeners young and old.

We are to accept it and even respect it in spite of the injustice and yet understand in our right minds that an injustice has been done.”

The conditions that we live in this day as a community are this way because after all of the leaders of the 1960's were taken from us by the Babylonian gun, there has been truly no one else to come forth who has spoken straight truth to this demonic system of slavery that inspired real movement outside of a march truly without a plan but to just be scene on the news channels to be able to say to your friends, pointing at the T.V. “look did you see me” because we have been warned of the consequences of those actions of a Medgar Evers being killed before his families eyes and our eyes, a Malcolm X being killed before his families eyes and our eyes, a Dr. Martin King being killed before our eyes in the same act as a Jesus was crucified publically before a people colonized by the same acting government, nailed to the same cross for to say to them, “If you act against us/the government, then this is what will happen to you.

This day and time “Rome” is still in power the same it has been; and until we understand of what we are up against and are not afraid to live because we are not afraid to die for the sake of truth and freedom, then we will always be a slave to this system and they will continue to tell us “oh well nigga, that's just the way it is.” I hear so many of our people saying this even in the case of this Trayvon Martin outrage....”oh well what do you expect of america?” This is a defeated people who have accepted the very thing that they complain about. Even before the blow truly hits, its accepted as the norm. It will always be this way until our thinking reality changes.

Its time to wake up and act upon only what will free our people from the affects that has conditioned even ourselves, that we are cattle to be slaughtered now and forever by the same system in which enslaved our ancestors.

I find it a foolish statement to say in knowing that our ancestors were enslaved and brought here against their own consent, that we are Americans and that we are within a free country. Do you ever think that a slave considered him or her an american or free within a free country? Even when they carried so-called freedom papers, that implied that they were still slaves under a contract that only asserted that they were free. A contract that was easily torn up in many cases reported; and many were placed back upon the plantations because a contract does not give you freedom. So, what happened to our minds during the course of time? Our minds were innocent as a child and were conditioned this way, after our elders who were the third generation of the original slaves were first conditioned with this lie in accepting this present lot. Is this so hard to understand? Is it so hard to understand that being born into a system of slavery would have anyone to think that they are free, the same as a child growing up inside of a ghetto never realizing that they are in one until someone opens their eyes to let them know that they have been psychologically fooled through a foul system?

And you wonder why the hip hop community is “useful” to this system in some cases? Because they are used and manipulated to glorify a condition that they know is killing their own people the same as an Ice Cube who knows that the gangster mentality is still until this day, killing many young black men and women and yet he promotes this mind with an encouraging song, “Keep it gangsta yall, keep it gangsta.” Wake up people! Be rid of the gimmicks.

Any black man or woman/African this day present in this country who is living and say that they are living in a free country, will forever be a slave an are foolish to inspire their children to go off and to fight for a country that is still killing their brothers and sisters at random right up under their noses, while they risk their lives killing for a system that still hates them and only are using their bodies as a shield to protect their interest in the natural resources of other nations. The wake up of our people will be a hard one to get the freedom that we need and deserve; but, as long as it is a hard one, then it is revealed to be not an impossible one.

Many say, “We built this country” and I say to you to WAKE UP! Our ancestors never offered their backs to help build this country! Stay at the mind of the ROOT! If this was so, then their backs would have never had to suffer the whip of the cracka as a painful incentive to work harder. The cracka does not have to use his whip upon the back of a willing slave. And there is truly no such thing as a willing slave, otherwise, he or she would never be a slave. And so what happened to our minds to think that we are free in a country that has enslaved those before us who we assert that we love and honor so much?

The moment that you think that you are free in this country, then never assert that you would love to observe in order to find your “roots” because the moment that you call yourself an american, you cut your own roots from your very existence and dishonor your own ancestors and say to the entire world that you are no longer a family member of those who suffered and died for you to be here to do the work necessary for to get the freedom and honor they know was taken from them.

David Anthony Brayboy


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