She is there for you Brother

Brother of mines. I could not just walk passed you without seeing to your wound inside. I see your pain and conflict and you ask yourself of why has this happened to me, when I have done all that I could do to see that it worked out for us. But, I need for you to understand that after one has done all they can do to keep the union a rich one, if the one who you are loving does not respect your love, your efforts and your vitality, then how much more can you do? How much more can you give without losing yourself in realizing that there  was never an“us?” 

  It is easy to become bitter, cynical and defensive; and the easiness of that is the dangerous path to be persuaded upon, brother. But to allow one  to kill what is the best of you, so that what is only left is the worst of you is the true target of the enemy. Choose not to let this happen. If you submit to this, then who and what has caused this wound inside, this pain that you feel, has indeed won. 

    You have come too far being the good and responsible man you are, for to allow a woman who is lost and confused of her present life, cause your mind and heart in affect to perceive life of a manner that will only hurt the woman coming for you, who will love you truly from the very root of her heart.

   Brother of mines, it is most vital to keep your head up and to walk into the light of your future of where she is standing there for you. Yes, standing there with a smile that she will only have when she sees her king walking towards her world, thinking of the little prince she would love and be honored to give you from her sacred womb.

    Do not allow the enemy to cause you to fail in your response to this because this beautiful woman who is waiting to love you, will see your pain and just may go in the other direction to give what love she has for you, to one who is not destine nor worthy to receive it, simply because you had not taken the proper time to heal. Don't do that to her life, brother.

    Brother, understand that The Creator has you and her in time during the course of a moment coming with vibrant chemistry and beautiful fertility of a wonderful union. Stand up, hold your head, heart and mind up and continue being the strong, loving, generous and intelligent gentleman that you truly are without the shield of cynicalism to cause you to complicate what is good for your life. Your Queen has been made for you. She is waiting for you. She is there for you to love. Divorce the sorrows out of you life, let them go and move forwards so she may receive you.

Peace and One Love Brother

David Anthony Brayboy


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