Beyond The Barriers

It is a gift to be able to be alive for to be lead into a direction by the same light that is revealing to you the light to find it. It is important to know that the truth that you feel that you are seeking, has always been inside of you, a part of you; and it is now time for you to become one with that particular truth, for to bring answers and therefore peace to your inner being. 

We are lead by truth even within our own curiosities, because our curiosities are destined for to encourage and inspire us to seek truths that are meant for us to know for to bring about a humility to ones mind and soul. In fact, there is truly no doctrine in which can completely relate nor reveal to you what your true nature and being is as a whole. There is no set sphere of information that completes you as a living being; because as a living presence, you are always moving, growing. You truly have no first page nor a last one, because you are not and will never be less than what you have been created of.

You are much greater than doctrine or knowledge. You will forever be beyond what you understand of what life is or supposed to be based upon common affects regarding conclusions that have been constructed. For, no matter of what is asserted to happen after the organism ends its last heartbeat and you then be liberated from the flesh, you will forever be that which has always been The Divine's most greatest and yet simple and humble state; and that is pure consciousness. The “knowing of that I exist within all living creation.” The pure state of consciousness uncontaminated of clashing perceptions of the past called doctrine or historical information and manufactured conclusions. 

Being beyond the conflicting barriers of information that causes conflict between humanity, causing divisiveness; opens the mind and heart for a humility accompanied with an unlimited or unrecognizable state of clarity with no title to enslave it and thus limit it. You are free to simply, “Be” as you always have been and must remain.


David Anthony Brayboy


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