
Showing posts from February, 2014

Better Things Are Coming

There are and have been many events transpiring in the world that forces the human mind to think as though things in this world will never become better. It has become easy to embrace this feeling, these thoughts and that is the dangerous fan that continues to blow the fire of misery, affecting all of our lives. There is a reality that stands more inside of us, as before us that only we can produce if we love this life enough to save the morality of it, the humanity of it. The betterment of all of our lives has forever been placed inside of one another by The Divine Creator from before what we know or can even imagine is the beginning. the solution lyes within you and I and we. The greatest offer in this life that one can give, is themselves. Offer a helping hand, an open heart and an ear to someone without the division of the lack of knowing who they are; and just watch a sunrise in humanity in the midst of you bloom, that many this day have been made to think, to believe and ...

Blow Out The Flame

Where the flame inside of you burns, lye’s that place of your pain as well as the beginning of your healing. Make up in your mind and heart to know that blowing out the flame that burns your present state will truly be the beginning of a beauty that you have been denying yourself for a time truly unknown. To burn inside willingly is truly a distraction and abuse of divine time. The burning of the flame deceitfully asserts to bring to you a comforting warmth that no other force can free you from; and so you feel the need for it to remain. But, the truth remains still inside of you as well; and it is that truth that causes you to recognize your discontentment. And so your flame burns in only of your passion to keep it alive. You still the fire by continuing to be its fan. Love your living enough to understand that there are some flames inside of you that should be humbly, blown out without restraint. In this blowing out the flame, reveals a beautiful freedom and clear li...


I needed to begin this month of February that has been appointed as Black History month with the appreciation of our elders who helped get us this far. We may not always agree of some of the methods that were used to get us here, but we are still without question, here. As we also know that our historical accounts here in Babylon, have to be carefully attended too with knowing the effects of what has been recorded of our elders in Babylon's implication to cause inside of us, this day and time an intense hatred that many of us are not able to discard for the present time, because of many evil forces that have not changed since the elders marched and spoke the truth of what is affecting our progress in this corporation/country called america. I find it very important to only be angry at the wrong that was done and in the same movement discard the hatred that is tried to be instilled in us every February for the sake of non-productivity by this american media machine. I...