Better Things Are Coming

There are and have been many events transpiring in the world that forces the human mind to think as though things in this world will never become better. It has become easy to embrace this feeling, these thoughts and that is the dangerous fan that continues to blow the fire of misery, affecting all of our lives.

There is a reality that stands more inside of us, as before us that only we can produce if we love this life enough to save the morality of it, the humanity of it. The betterment of all of our lives has forever been placed inside of one another by The Divine Creator from before what we know or can even imagine is the beginning.

the solution lyes within you and I and we. The greatest offer in this life that one can give, is themselves. Offer a helping hand, an open heart and an ear to someone without the division of the lack of knowing who they are; and just watch a sunrise in humanity in the midst of you bloom, that many this day have been made to think, to believe and so-called know cannot manifest because of being made to feel so much pain and sorrow.

The only solution is inside of us who are living and no longer of those who have passed on. Open up without the chains of fear and cynicalism and begin to manifest a better future for all of our children as well as those who will come after them.

A better future, begins with a better now.

David Anthony Brayboy


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