The Compromise in Love

We were all placed here to love completely. Love is a complete force without set conditions. But, it has come a time of when love has suffered of harsh treatment of one another and has become a force that has been felt to be restrained of the host. And in this reality, it has not yet been expressed to its fullest capacity as it was meant to be because of the issue of trust in creating cynical-ism, after one has said or did something to break that connection of full love, into something broken, tolerating and just surviving. 

We have become cynical and have been robbed of the true freedom to love without fear and mystery/trust. It has become a journey while steady picking up pieces of a puzzle that seems to never end in completeness because its true meaning has been compromised. But, understand that it does not matter of how successful we become in anything we do, if we have not had the chance to love anyone 100% without all of the caution barriers, then that part of your life will forever be the most unfulfilled and all other things fall to be less valuable. 

Never give up on what you know matters the most.

David Anthony Brayboy


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