A Forever Living Reality

Has anyone ever told you that you are the very essence, the very source of That which created your consciousness? Your “Being?” Has anyone ever told you that you are an extension of That which has created the very meaning of beauty and power that does not carry a distinction of appointed gender? Has anyone ever told you that there is a “pure beauty” untouched by the world, within each gender male and female that brings about the oneness of them both in action that is love between man and woman? Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you have been created in a form of perfection that truly has no definition in regards as to what the world deems as perfection?

Have you been told that you have been abandoned by the Divine source that created you and you have been made imprisoned inside of your timely decaying flesh, for crimes against a humanity that you never mentally, spiritually and intellectually never even knew existed, but you have to suffer in this life because of those acts? Has anyone ever told you that all of what has been told to you, is in opposition of what has already been revealed to you inside of your own living soul? Has anyone ever told you that “the death of what you have been told, is the true beginning/birth of your life as a completely free living human being?

The fact is, you are a part of all that you see and feel as beautiful and are not less. You are all of what you see and feel of nature each day of taking the needed time of being still to realize this truth. You are as powerful as the sun that keeps this earth warm, hot and moving with an energy that can never be measured, monitored nor controlled. Your very life force is the same Life Force that Created all Life Forces that are in truth, one in the same life force in which never has seen or will ever know death.

You do not have to feel in your meditation to the Source of Life Existence that you are not one with It, that you are meditating “too” it as if It is not a part of you. You are not separated from It. You are not and have never been separated from That which created your very being as though you have been made unworthy of It. Be still and allow your being to reveal to you, what has forever been present. Be still and “know' and not to be left to believe because belief is only for those who are in truth, unsure of anything. You would rather be certain as any wise human being.

We all are a very vibrant creation of the Nature of The Divine Creator Alone. A Divine Creator that cannot be enslaved, contained or identified inside of any religious doctrine; but a Creator of freedom and thus, has by nature given all that is created a freedom to observe for the sake of knowing the source of your own purpose of living a life absolutely full of an ever growing reality and an every changing evolution that is unlimited of set boundaries that shackle your mind and spirit.

Rise this moment and embrace the fact of your existence and begin to walk each day and night in your reality of knowing who and what you are and not what some religion tells you. Each day you are gifted with, understand that “you are the religion” that you are mastering, the religion that you are living to know and to understand given from The Divine. Know that religion is a “living and moving” reality and not an organized, established and incorporated state of existence. Life is of the living. Living implies movement and therefore action and not the mind constantly upon the death of the organism. After the death of the organism, there is still consciousness of existing in this state of being which is beyond the organism. “Being” is the essence of the consciousness of knowing that one is alive. It implies that you are present and will forever be present.

David Anthony Brayboy


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