My Motorcycle Accident Feburary 10th 2014

I had a motorcycle accident last year February 10th, because I was exhausted and passed out while riding and hit an RV at almost 60 miles an hour on cross streets out here named Desert Inn and Paradise. As I was riding, I saw a darkness closing in on me as a circle was forming while my vision was leaving me and also as I was able to feel my body shutting down. I was aware while this was happening and thus, I knew I was leaving and in the same moment I had questioned why I was seeing this darkness closing in on me in a circle. I was only curious and I in that moment was reading my feelings as I read no fear of what was happening.

Afterwords, I heard the accident as in my head hitting the RV causing a concussion, a broken left shoulder, a broken right wrist and a broken right rib that I forgot to mention in my previous email to you, but I did not feel anything. The Creator never allowed me to suffer the pain of the accident while it happened. This was my very first time I had ever been inside of a Hospital and ever being knocked unconscious. During my recovery at Sunrise hospital and in rehab in a place on Charleston and Valley View for 2 weeks, I never suffered with intense pain of my accident. But, during those quiet nights in the hospital and in rehabilitation, I pondered upon the darkness and the state of darkness I was within and within me. I was aware that I was in darkness and yet I also was able to feel a peace that I never felt since then. I need to explain to you something I noticed as it was happening to me.

As I was in this state of darkness, I was at peace. I always thought I knew what peace was until this day. I were to come to realize in my assertion of peace was only an idea of mine based upon my personal experiences of having times of the contrary. But, this day, I was truly revealed of what peace is in fact in its essence. Within this state there was no conflict, there was no measure of knowledge or memory of even my knowing my name or who I was made to be by the environment, according to the flesh, no discomfort, no curiosity, no fear, there was no fragmented perceptions of what I previously known as facts, no nothing in my perception of what “nothing” is upon an intellectual. But, I “felt” a tremendous silence, beyond what I knew was silence and still energy that was of a humility that was free from control or submissive of any authority unseen that was allowing this and was pleased. I was simply in a great, powerful and profound state of existence which was all in humility and a great love free of emotions that caused a misconception of what love truly is. It was revealed to me that love within it is beyond what we know is pure. I simply and powerfully “existed without time” and I was in darkness still seen and felt as a beautiful state of light.

While I was there the beauty of it was that I had no knowledge and therefore, I was not able to compare what I was feeling, articulate what I was seeing based upon the knowledge of the past ect. Having noticed being in a state of the lack of knowledge was simply a part of awareness and not having the accumulating processing of knowledge that I did not contain it. I was only able to exist in peace as is said of the dead, but I was very much alive. I was alive in the most purity of existence with no vibration of the flesh in its living and its drives, its desires, its destructive behavior; and in this I was not only shown what was freedom, I was freedom in the very “being” of freedom. So, what I am implying is that freedom is us and not something that we have to obtain from any other outside agency. I found this perception of truth to be the wisdom or diplomatic base for physical freedom upon every level. It's the truth said that will in time set mankind free as it will also enslave those in mankind who will willfully oppose it.

The moment that I was coming to physical consciousness, I was able to feel knowledge/memory returning to me in terms of my name and other things. It felt tangible as well as invading or inhabiting as one would say. My continued destiny prevented me the force to negate it. I noticed immediately that knowledge carried a weight of accumulated feelings that are burdens of the past as well as permanent responsibilities in regards to having a dependency on knowledge for to survive in the present. It has no peace and no freedom but only an enduring essence. The presence of language itself determined the intensity of it's weight upon the mind. The survival feelings had within them a multiple presence of fragmented stresses, anxieties and fears from the past and also the concern or idea of what is called the future. The returning/coming back to the consciousness of this physical state, was very grateful as well as disappointing and enslaving because it was not enforced by my own willing. I say this because I was being removed from peace within this darkness and back into the light of real disorder and conflicting, clashing frequencies from other human beings trying to cope with the realities of what has been manufactured as their realities imposed upon them. Yes, that conflict and disorder that are designed upon an aim to cause us to be made lost inside of a world of disorder because of the activating, the working lies that are present in this system. I know what it feels like to be moved into consciousness in regards to the physical, from the brink of the eternal. I know what it “means” because I experienced it.

The after affects on me was for a time difficult, because of my having accumulated what I was “feeling” even though I did not know myself as I am as now in regards of my name, having 2 sons and so forth. It had caused a sadness and an anger inside of me for a while because I had the chance to touch and to taste peace in its essence. I know what the vitality of darkness means and feels like and I wanted that back into this state as I am this day; because despite the darkness, there was a great sense of light present still inside of me even though I was outside of the physical realm. And so I journeyed through a time of great lost and in the same movement knowing of what I gained inside of that experience. I do not want to overwhelm you with too much writing of this, but I just wanted to share this with you. But understand that for the mind to be enlightened, it begins from within yourself in penetrating a love and compassion inside you have never been able to touched with any accumulated knowledge given from any other source other than The Creator Alone.

David Anthony Brayboy 


  1. Thank you for sharing. You know now.

  2. Thank you for sharing. You know now.

  3. True Tranquilty, True Freedom, Experiencing Existence Outside of The Illusion of Lower Dimensions#TripleDarkness#TheSource#OnenesswithTheUniverse#BeingAtPeace#OnlyYOU


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