The Bondage of Religion

Religion's definition is “mans search for God.” Even though the term “god” is a pagan term, the same as "lord" is a political term of expression and should never be used to relate to The Divine Creator. The intellectual assertion of the definition implies that “religion has not found the truth” as this is why you are left being a believer and not one who knows in certainty. They are still in search of it; and yet remains to claim to have it in regards to its propaganda/lies and those people who have been mentally enslaved into something that is by its own words, incomplete or lack thereof. This explains the behavior of most who live their lives slandering others as well as living a life contradiction of what they claim is their primary belief in which governs their behavior regarding their thoughts and feelings whatever they may be. The “it” implies something that is tangible that can be possessed, processed, violated and therefore controlled and altered.

Truth is not a measure of knowledge with a set understanding claiming the ultimate perception nor anything that is limited and therefore, stagnant. It does not have a first page and a last one as these books even mention when they say “the truth will set you free.” Their own religious books tell them that a truth that no religion contains is what will give them their clarity, their comfort of the mind and spirit. No religion will set you free, but only enslave you. However most continue to struggle each day of their lives trying to measure up to what some religious scholar produced for the sake of political control and domination; and in all of their so-called love and brotherhood, they reject everyone and anyone who does not agree with them, believe as them nor decide for good reasons to no longer group with them because of the hypocrisy and shadow slander. Truth is beyond a book, an institution or a title. But, truth is a living reality and a forever moving presence inside of the human being without an end nor a known beginning. Its called righteous behavior towards the human family in spite if they follow the same instituted program. It is always blooming, evolving and is forever new within it's own sense of inspiration which is truly our own pure and innocent curiosity.

To claim to have the truth as religion has, is to say that truth is dead and can be owned or encased within the limitation of mankind inside of a booklet, to be controlled within that illusion known to the world as time. There is no particular path to truth because truth is your own living freedom from the assertions of so-called truths of religious set doctrines. As being revealed of what truth is, can only be realized if the person is free from the bondage and limitations of established religious understandings claiming to have the ultimate perception as this will forever cause conflict from what one has been taught to believe is the truth, and the fact of truth. Truth is beyond the limitations of mere perception and belief.

Freedom and Truth will never divorce. Religion rejects truth because it rejects freedom to observe and only produces a bias, a prejudice, a rigid and self-righteous human being; all of which is claimed to not be or to in time become. Truth lives within you and is all around you in all things worthy of your destined perception from being attentive from the natural gift of “curiosity” which is only the innocence of wanting to know the nature of what has been created. Free yourself from the bondage of religious doctrine and embrace that which has forever lived within you even before you were made manifested in the sacred womb of your earthly mother.

David Anthony Brayboy


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