In living you will
find that many who assert their success within this economic system
fail to understand that their success is truly an illusion if they
are appointing their exaltation off of the creativity of someone else
other than themselves. They are blind to the fact that they are
simply a product of what is created as a necessity for to function and maintain
someone else ideas, aspirations and wealth. They in fact do not fit into the
scenario of one that has gained their freedom and therefore
independence. In spite of this seemly stability because of the
amount of money being granted within the wage, and the responsible use of
the money earned for to create a proper and orderly living, there is
only true freedom and order if one has understood the vital
importance of realizing what their true gift is to the earth,
utilizing it to their gifted incentive to produce and to presenting
something of their own work and efforts for themselves.
Despite many who
have thought to be “made it” they have only made it as far as
they have because of another allowing them to remain a part of their
elaborate institutional enterprise. As many will understand soon as
the times are coming of where truth is spoken into the illusions that
govern the minds of the occupied in this Babylonian corporation, they
will come to know that they are simply a number and can be replaced
at any appointed time with the stroke of a pen thrusted by the
heartless conclusions of a major executive order, suddenly deciding
that your worth to their enterprise, has no more merit. It is a fact
that many who have created a living for themselves are apt to boast of
what they have gained upon a materialistic state as if the attachment
of these items are a source of permanency when there is nothing that
is permanent. In the spiritual realm in which rules all of humanities
issues, the human beings longevity is solely based upon their
treatment of the next human being in whom their lives have come
across. In most cases, individuals as this have come from backgrounds
that carried no real moral standards; and this places everything
within their mentality to think as though what they gain
materialistically is an indication that they have been good people.
The boasting and the showing off is revealed as not a state of a
humility in which is asserted and mascaraed as being blessed because
they have been good. It reveals a fear of losing what they have and
also a rage and lingering state of animosity that is rooted in them feeling that they had to struggle
so hard to obtain what they have because their parents failed in their responsibilities of supplying it, While they have all of the material
necessities, they lack peace of mind. There are tremors beneath all of
the boasting and the desire to remain within the field of common
respectability among all of those in whom pretend as though they are
the friend of the obtained.
The tremors of
bitterness and rage is in fact the after affects of the struggle of
having to past through many unpleasant valleys of sacrifice and setback from bad
choices for to gain what they have. They have all of the material
things, but no peace of mind. The reaction of which sub-consciously
rule them reveals its face in times of petty drama of when they lack
the control over a situation of another human being who will not be
under the control of their wishes and desires. They fear the
situation because they are not able to control it; and so they gather
together all who they depend upon for their respect and therefore
attention for them to obtain a security through others sense of
respectability of them because of the economic and material status,
which can easily be replaced within a minute. They come to realize that
there is no peace within the confines of your huge home, your good
job, your admiration and pride of your children progressing in which
you feel that you are the author of; even though it took their own
conscious and individual concentration and time to invest in their
lives for truly themselves. You were simply the parent and was imbued
by The Divine to do what it necessary for your children to make it to
the door, but it is them and their own efforts and decision to walk
through it; and to also be willing never to conform to the
degenerating vices in which contaminate the soul of the human mind
and spirit upon a structured daily bases.
Tremors are present
inside because of the affects of your past. The past is the root of
the aggression and boasting of what is contained because it was not made avilable in the past. To understand the
danger that this reveals in regards to contaminating your own
longevity of what is obtained through your time working for someone
else other than yourself, will never be in fact understood until one
is faced with the reality that nothing is permanent inside of any
Babylonian institution. Just by the selling of that institution or
the karma of what the owner must suffer for their own salvation
determines the survival of your present state. In your response
inside of the experience of existing, you are truly the one who
create your own heaven and your own hell.
Humility and Decency
is Key
David Anthony
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