Thoughts to My Grandfather
Thoughts to My Grandfather I wanted for a long time to take this walk with you inside through my gift of writing. I found that during the years, I had come to realize of how you were in my presence all of my younger life, and yet of how you were taken from me in the most important manner, for the balance inside of myself as well as your own. I never had the mind to venture into the reasons of why there was a disconnection between you and I; however never did I not sense a wanting to be close with you upon a level of the intellect as well as the needed emotional bond to my grandfather. There were many things unsaid and therefore, the silence between us during those times of when a relationship should had been cultivated, was in fact a very loud and yet empty state of being. But, nevertheless I did love you and saw you as a man of great intelligence and humility who I felt was able to fix anything that compromised its function including the family social structure inside of...