I often go off to myself and the source of creation that truly has no name. Not to be still, but to be "stilled" by a source of creation that knows my essence far more immensely in-dept than I do. I find that when I still myself, it is not a natural stillness because it was in fact enforced by my own implication and therefore effort and will. Effort if sensitively looked at and felt truly, is a conflicting duality because it is executed by a personal directive will which holds an objective, an idea. But, to allow yourself to be “stilled” with the love of a truly unknown powerfully gentle source, one will understand the sacredness of this time and the purity of a clarity that is ready to be revealed to the settled mind in which in that moment, has a pleasant quality of humility and innocence.

You must no longer question anything that your curiosity is demanding to be satisfied and therefore fulfilled, because those personal unanswered questions are now futile. You are being made ready to receive a charity in which has no sphere of knowledge given by man, that holds opposing perceptions and therefore contradictions; but the birth of a clear perception that is beyond even common imposed understanding, but will help guide each and every human being into the seeing of what humanity truly is and have forever been in fact before it was contaminated of mankind’s point of views, opinions and religious doctrines that only entangle the human family into empty rivers of synthetic waters and golden cages of false promises of a heaven that humanity has been lied too of not being able to manifest upon the earth of ourselves, but only through empty and self-destructive mythologies and theologies. Through this lie, society is only encouraged more to morally crumble.

Know that you are much more greater and powerful than you have believed to have been told. Your education was already contained when you were created; and it has only the limitations that line up with your own destiny of living. You were only uneducated the moment you accumulated all of what this system dictates as required information/education for only to cause each and everyone of us, to function and clashing within this machine known as the economic system. Your real freedom lye within yourself. Find this time for yourself and just allow yourself to be stilled all the way to the very core of your being. You will find that much of what we are concerned of which we feel is of importance and security, has been programed within us as a false sense of security and identity. Your security has forever been inside of you along with your true identity.
Be Stilled. Be Well.
David Anthony Brayboy
P.S. Yes, it me on the picture.


  1. How timely to have come upon your message as I struggle with an internal question of "who am I?". Am I the product of my experiences? Have I been molded this way because of my experiences? I'm not sure if meekness is truly my nature; although, it feels true, and being defensive (establishing boundaries to protect myself ) feels contradictory to who I am, or have become. I have to get back to being still.


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