You will find that there are some pains in your life that will forever be present because they are made ordained for your best interest in spite of how they cause one to feel, even though your personal interest was in opposition of what has been ordained. This has everything to do with a balance that has been created inside of us. The natural state of duality inside of every human being is present. This pain is not to be embraced emotionally, but to be acknowledged as a part of your living that you have no destined control over. Therefore, this pain and disappointment must be understood and accepted as a part of your journey of learning of yourself as a human being upon the personal perception and clarity.
In this acceptance, the affects of it upon an emotional stimulant will no longer affect you. Know that, not all matters of living will manifest and therefore transpire to your satisfaction and in knowing this reality, your journey will be much more pleasant to venture. All of this has in its wholeness of how the mind is being either exalted or destroyed. We come to know in time that in our conscious choices, the internal perception that we choose has it development into who we have decided to become. In my second book, “Sonny” a character says to another, “I can only be a part of a mans destruction, but never his “self-destruction.” This is to imply that the choosing that we decide to execute is a "conscious choice" no matter of what kind of evil an outside agency does to us who we consider our nemesis. The true battle will forever be singular within the eternal for the preservation of the mind and spirit. Living is not an emotional journey even though emotions do play a factor in humanity. Emotions have forever played a role in humanities destructive actions towards itself. When the mind is allowed to be utilized for the betterment of the host, then the mind is being utilized for the betterment of all humanity. In these times upon this planet we have been give to dwell for a sacred time, asserted of religious doctrine, the mind of the human being has been the primary source of chaos and destruction never understanding that, it destroys all of humanity in the abuse of just one portion of humanity. The Divine Creator has created the entire human family in the essence of duality. We are a part of 2 forces in which opposes one another because of the terrible act of accumulating a sphere of information that is destructive because it opposes the other in perception. The knowledge of good and evil, is within itself chaos. It is chaotic because they are in opposition of one another. So, to my understanding of stepping outside of them both in observation of them, they are both destructive despite of one asserting goodness. The gift of intelligence is given to perceive the balance within the midst of the 2 of them for the sake of sanity. This state of sanity is what will obviously cause a balance of those powers for the sake of a peace that will create an earth that will be able to survive of its inhabitants that are known as human beings.
In my coming into this world without any consent of my own, my living has forever been within an environment that has contained a darkness in my midst from those who are deemed as family as they have only been destructive to me and therefore as now they are seeing, themselves. In my journey of having to endure this, I am within a position as now that I do not have to any longer suffer under those who wish me no good, however feel now that they are faced with their own immortality because of their evils, that I am the one who is destined to give them their peace of mind while they still execute blunt lies of my living. Despite my position of being in the common connection of them, my choice to let them all go is based upon my life of being one who is determined to fulfill my task upon this planet before the evident death of this given organism. The course of self-destruction has everything to do with your decision of continuing to be a part of what is destructive to you in every manner of your being. That darkness that is present in your life can in fact be removed simply be acknowledging that it is there, and then deciding to remove yourself from it in your understanding that it will cause you self-destruction if you continue to venture within it. No matter of who it is, your life and its peace of mind is your primary source of incentive for you to produce for your life what is needed so that you will be able to give to the earth, what you were truly created to give. Remove yourself from all of who mean you no good, no incentive to produce and no real dedication of what they are asserted to be in your life. Those who refuse to hear you for understanding because they have been manipulated to think that you are living in the past, are those who are to be "left in the past" from this very day. Fulfill your destiny despite of who it hurts, who mocks your decisions, or who refuse to understand your decisions. You in fact do not belong to anyone but that which created you alone.
David Anthony Brayboy
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