Never cause divisiveness within your own seeds. Because when the time comes of when you are faced with your own immortality, the primary one who you caused to remove themselves from you in your evil, because of your disrespect and continued mockery, will be the primary one you will reach towards for your last years of needed inner-resolution to make matters right, "only for yourself." The power that you previously thought you were taking from them, will be the power they will have towards your inner peace. Your final times will be as the last mirror of yourself that is shattered, because you refused to consider your own mirror years ago. You created for yourself your own heaven or hell because it has always only been about you.
Once one walk into the valley of immortality, there is no turning back because the valley holds answers of many things revealed of the self that are in need of understanding. And in that fact, that is the energy/will that forces us in a convincing/curious manner to move ahead, forwards in an almost lustful and even greedy manner.
Looking past mirrors that you have not looked into to explains in principal of what those ahead will come to mean, and so you make the mistake of moving past those mirrors with this self-less self-servant, selfishness seeded with rebellion and narcissism, going to the end of the path within the valley and not liking what is seen. What is seen is an unpleasant image/reality that was painted in the self-destructive actions of not looking into the other mirrors for the sake of self-awareness of deceit for the sake of self-resolution and thus, without knowing it, “Shatter” the last mirror even before you get to it; and a true image is implicated in the place of the mirror of what we would like to see in the place of what truly was only an image we created of yourself. We fail, or do we? The one who is left with the power to determine this, is the primary one who was slandered of lies and asserted immoralities.
It is only natural that they will not give a effort of compassion to save you from yourself because you caused them to turn in the other direction from your grievance long ago and until the present.

David Anthony Brayboy


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