It is amusing to see that those who are constantly angry and frustrated in their place of information, shrugs at anyone else who possess a clearer perception of reality for themselves in terms of their own personal journey. There are plenty of boxes that are lived inside that are said to had been formulated based upon a desired inner freedom, but only serve as a hindrance of the mind effecting the civility of the host. It is not so much of what is known but of how it affects the personality which socializes with the rest of humanity upon a daily premise.

Convictions that are perceived upon a collective seem to be thought and felt as a security source because of others holding the same imbued social indoctrination's from the affects of the social science mechanism designed to create an impious mentality. But, when there comes a human being who realizes that his very essence has no place inside of a man or woman cultivated culture for the sake of the bondage of tradition and containment, then he is rejected as a part of that established community. Instead of attacking him and at the same time failing to understand him or having an unwillingness to understand him, why not ask him of what caused him the disposition he presently possess. Allow humility to do this for you. Its a very chivalrous ability.

Most perform this act against him in an effort to cause him hurt in their act of asserting a disgrace of his person, but nothing could be more of an honor to him than his being ostracized from a community whose minds are enslaved with a cultivated culture in which as others, only fragment humanity and in affect manifest chaos inside of the human journey creating a world that is inhumane. No matter of what community chosen to adhere too, if you are upon the receiving end of those who oppose respectability and in affect create inside of you the same constitutionality, then you are no distinction than the one who has caused you the plight of degradation and cruelty's as you shrug upon those who found a freedom that you claim you are desiring.

Don’t remain inside of a maze of living someone else designed for you that will in fact lead you to no legitimate destination. Rise above it.

David Anthony Brayboy


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