The Greatest Folk Story Ever Told
Folk Story
“A tale or legend originating and traditional among a people or folk, especially one forming part of the oral tradition of the common people. Any “belief” (not fact) or story passed on traditionally, especially one considered to be false or based on superstition.”
There are a massive amount of Christians today who have come into the knowledge that the concept story of Yeshua the messiah began in Africa/Kemit. This is no reason for anyone who serve in the western religion of Christianity to get excited about because it comes from Africa. This truth does not justify your still remaining in the present Christianity in which came out of Rome. Don’t get it confused. None of you have the facts of the real “folk story” unless you are blessed to come to know it. And, be aware that even the story of this Yeshua that came from the motherland is but a “folk story” which implies that this is not a fact as folk stories are closely related to basic mythology/parables in which he used plenty of times talking to the religious system.
Now this is going to pinch some of you, and you know that I don’t care; but, if the ancestors produced this story through African spirituality, the effects on it still never prevented them from ending up in chains. I know, “well it is written that we would go into slavery.” What intelligent people would write a folk story about themselves for the sake of pre-enslavement of their own people? If this is the case, then we need to end blaming the European, the Arab, the Dutch as well as the Jews. If the message in there is clearly understood then many of you Christians would never be involved in the voting process as well as other conditioned bad habits in which goes against the real message of him being a non-conformance man who was not a religious man nor a political one. He said his kingdom is not of this world. It is written that he declared himself the son of God according to the “spirit of holiness.” He was spiritual. Not religious.
However the story went or goes, we are still oppressed in this political system as well as many of you are enslaved through this western established religion. It’s important not to get this new information confused, because you are only dealing with an “assertion” and not the evidence that this story is indeed a fact. Keep your mind open and be careful because if you are not careful, this information that Christianity comes out of Africa, could force you through your pride and comfort zone of being in this warped western religion, you will further grind yourself into it even more simply because someone said that it came out of Africa. I could care less where it comes from.
If you serve in any religion devoutly and that religion does not prevent you and your people from going into slavery for the last almost 600 years, then you may need to find yourself something else to read.
David Anthony Brayboy
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