Meditation, Love and Compassion
In meditation this day 8/25/2019 after coming from a much needed and appreciated time out in the city, I saw/insight and felt within the most powerful gift that anyone could perceive, recognize and embrace more-so of their very own essence; and that is in knowing what your "very being" is designed with and acknowledge the reality that "love" will forever exist inside of you. Anger and disappointment will never prevail because of the presence of compassion which maintains balance. To read into it without effort, is to read into yourself after trying to reject it/love because of it being misconducted by some who have chosen to live within the past and their misconception of love and therefore themselves in the living experience.
“The gift of this is to be able to still recognize your very essence within the very presence of compassion.” "We are created out of the very essence of compassion."
I found that this is where we continue to summon the will to live in understanding the most profound truth of existence and that is, there is truly no death in anything that has been created rather manifested or not.
One finds that emotions, rather hurt or haphazardly felt to be utilized irrationally because of the sudden trauma to the intellect, should always be taken into a time of consideration/wise inner counsel before any unreasonable action is said or done upon the physical. Unfounded within the element of time which lye between the trauma and the response from the effects of the trauma is that vital moment which has to never be negated illogically. That is a very sensitive time upon every aspect of the being; and despite what transpires it is never to be rationalized as having a setting to when anything that is unsound is acceptable upon the principal of inadequacy. Watch your inner self as it moves and speaks its silent language inside transmitted through your most sacred origin of pure feelings of where feelings carry clarity. Not emotions. Observe as it understands and as it continues to die to psychological debris accumulated from this environment including common responses and reactions designed and imbued inside of this western culture which is until this moment, contaminating the earth globally.
No matter what you face or suffer or forced to suffer, understand the importance that you are and will forever be a vibrant and living soul no matter what befall your time. All is but a lesson of coming to know yourself more effectively, more intimately, more delicately and more soundly of where there is always a state of humility keeping your mind sufficiently active and intelligently wise.
Its love.
David Anthony Brayboy
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