It Is Only Within Yourself To Face And No One Else Plague To Resolve.

I’m certain you have before heard the statement, “I can’t stand to be around him or her.” You may have heard this said to you from someone you know, about another human being or you may have even overheard this from someone purposely about yourself.
I offer this to you if you are feeling or thinking ill of yourself pertaining to someone making this very common statement it is they who in fact has the problem. It is vital to know of where you are within yourself in terms of your self-assurance and your present state of morality in regards to how you feel of yourself. There is no need to allow these type of people to cause you to feel scummed by way of their misery and self-induced hatred for their own mind. To know within yourself and your intentions, that you have not done anything to cultivate such ill-feelings towards you, is key to your not deserving a moment of self-reflection or even asking them of why they feel as such. You will never get an answer, let-alone an honest one without them trying to accuse you of some level of immorality. But, this is the real issue with these type of human beings…
Even though this statement has been administered into the active society for centuries, mostly this day and time, it is more utilized by the type of people who are of the millennium generation who spend their lives existing within this narcissist mentality and therefore personality. To their perception, they can do no wrong to anyone. To them, anything and everything they decide to say or do to anyone else is justified despite of how they choose to talk to people or treat others even in the manner of which they agitate the environment in opposition to an environment of peace so that humility can reign.
We offer you this in case you are experiencing a human being as this for the sake of your understanding what you are going through. Understand that, you are going through very little. What small amount of discomfort you are experiencing is directly coming from your curiosity of what you have done to provoke such language and disposition inside of someone who would say this of your person?
The answer is very simple, “you have done nothing and therefore are worthy of knowing, that you do not deserve to give your mind anymore time and attention to ponder upon why; considering you already know you have done, nothing. You are dealing with a human being who has internal turmoil which has produced someone who is mentally disturbed and socially sensitive and weak in personality.
This is the thing. When you hear this from a human being, what you are in fact hearing is someone who is saying to the world that “I am too fragile and unintelligent inside to be in the same environment with someone whom I allowed myself through my personal and social abilities to hate beyond my ability to remain civil to myself or them.” If one is incapable of being in the same environment with someone else because of their mere presence, them the problem in fact exist within themselves.
Never allow these type of human beings to influence you to compromise the way that you see yourself and know of yourself. They are very angry, hateful, rigid and impractical. To themselves, they can do no wrong and most of the times according to the basic fundamentals of humanity, wrong is all they do.
The primary reward is to never allow yourself to hate them, pity them, judge or condemn them. This is given because to understand what being human is holds a great wisdom which offers all of us the privilege to forgive these type of people or to simply let go of them for the sake of our contentment and concentration. They will in time allow themselves to look right into themselves and reflect upon not who they have grown to feel disgusted of, but of why they allowed themselves to feel that way of any human being who is not showing any aggression or interest in their affairs. They will come to know that to try to cause hatred in someone, for them, by them, is an abomination. To try to create inside of anyone a hatred for you simply because you hate them, is self-destructive upon many level of the universe. And justice will be served in time.
Continue to embrace each day gifted and absorb each lesson for the sake of evolution. Evolution is a choice for you. It is a gift offered of the universe for humility, growth, mercy, understanding, wisdom and love for the self. Possessing love for yourself and therefore humanity, continues to keep what is deemed humane alive.
Stay Human
David Anthony Brayboy
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